Margaret C HodgeAge: 19 years1855–1874
- Name
- Margaret C Hodge
- Given names
- Margaret C
- Surname
- Hodge
- Married name
- Margaret C Hoffner
Birth | 1855 30 24 |
Census | August 15, 1860 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a sister | Louisa J Hodge 1868 (Age 13 years) |
Death of a sister | Martha C Hodge July 10, 1868 (Age 13 years) |
Census | July 13, 1870 (Age 15 years) |
Marriage | George W Hoffner — View this family September 14, 1873 (Age 18 years) |
Death | September 9, 1874 (Age 19 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Richard Hodge Birth: September 10, 1824 — North Carolina, United States Death: December 10, 1892 — Rowan, North Carolina, United States |
mother |
Sarah “Sally” Nooe Birth: February 16, 1830 30 35 — North Carolina, United States Death: November 8, 1900 — Rowan, North Carolina, United States |
Marriage: November 18, 1848 — Davidson, North Carolina, United States |
2 years elder sister |
Mary Frances Hodge Birth: January 15, 1851 26 20 — North Carolina, United States Death: |
2 years elder sister |
Martha C Hodge Birth: 1852 27 21 — North Carolina, United States Death: July 10, 1868 — Rowan, North Carolina, United States |
4 years herself |
Margaret C Hodge Birth: 1855 30 24 — North Carolina, United States Death: September 9, 1874 — Rowan, North Carolina, United States |
14 years younger sister |
Louisa J Hodge Birth: 1868 43 37 — Rowan, North Carolina, United States Death: |
Family with George W Hoffner |
husband |
George W Hoffner Death: |
herself |
Margaret C Hodge Birth: 1855 30 24 — North Carolina, United States Death: September 9, 1874 — Rowan, North Carolina, United States |
Marriage: September 14, 1873 — Rowan, North Carolina, United States |
Margaret C Hodge has 37 first cousins recorded
Father's family (0)
Mother's family (37)
Parents Bennet Nooe + Mary A Watson
Parents John Nooe + Sarah Martha Vannoy
Parents Thomas Cole + Mary “Polly” Nooe
Parents William Porter Cole + Martha “Patsy” Nooe
Parents John Henry Carrick Jr + Lucinda “Lucy” Nooe
Parents Thomas Nooe + Sarah Ward
Census | 1860 United States - Census transcript - Richard Hodge - Household
Rowan, North Carolina
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Census | 1870 United States - Census transcript - Richard Hodge - Household
Rowan, North Carolina, United States