Phoebe Melvina StewartAge: 76 years1847–1923
- Name
- Phoebe Melvina Stewart
- Given names
- Phoebe Melvina
- Surname
- Stewart
- Married name
- Phoebe Melvina Smith
Birth | January 20, 1847 32 31 |
Census | October 31, 1850 (Age 3 years) |
Marriage | Reuben M Smith Sr — View this family February 1, 1866 (Age 19 years) Source: Illinois Marriages, 1815-1935 Text: Name: Reuben M. Smith
Sex: Male
Spouse's Name: Phoebe Mel Stewart
Spouse's Sex: Female
Marriage Date: 1 Feb 1866
Marriage Place: Macoupin, Illinois, United States
Marriage Place (Original): Macoupin County, Illinois, United States
Event Type: Marriage |
Census | August 4, 1870 (Age 23 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | William Edgar Smith 1871 (Age 23 years) |
Death of a father | William Stewart November 22, 1877 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Reuben M Smith Jr May 25, 1880 (Age 33 years) |
Census | June 24, 1880 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Charles Ernest Smith September 10, 1883 (Age 36 years) |
Death of a mother | Naomi Wise Nelson April 16, 1885 (Age 38 years) |
Marriage of a child | Reuben M Smith Jr — Cora Heddix — View this family March 11, 1899 (Age 52 years) |
Death of a son | Reuben M Smith Jr between 1900 and 1907 (Age 52 years) Shared note: Smith Sons Estimated Death Dates |
Census | June 1, 1900 (Age 53 years) Shared note: Smith Sons Estimated Death Dates |
Census | April 23, 1910 (Age 63 years) Shared note: Smith Sons Estimated Death Dates |
Census | January 30, 1920 (Age 73 years) |
Death of a brother | James Martin Stewart December 5, 1921 (Age 74 years) |
Death | August 13, 1923 (Age 76 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
William Stewart Birth: September 10, 1814 — Roane, Tennessee, United States Death: November 22, 1877 — Waverly, Morgan, Illinois, United States |
mother |
Naomi Wise Nelson Birth: January 16, 1816 — Logan, Kentucky, United States Death: April 16, 1885 — Macoupin, Illinois, United States |
Marriage: January 16, 1834 — Morgan, Illinois, United States |
11 years elder brother |
James Martin Stewart Birth: February 16, 1845 30 29 — Macoupin, Illinois, United States Death: December 5, 1921 — Pekin, Tazewell, Illinois, United States |
23 months herself |
Phoebe Melvina Stewart Birth: January 20, 1847 32 31 — Macoupin, Illinois, United States Death: August 13, 1923 — Rush, El Paso, Colorado, United States |
Family with Reuben M Smith Sr |
husband |
Reuben M Smith Sr Birth: November 1844 25 24 — Macoupin, Illinois, United States Death: June 12, 1939 — Colorado Springs, El Paso, Colorado, United States |
herself |
Phoebe Melvina Stewart Birth: January 20, 1847 32 31 — Macoupin, Illinois, United States Death: August 13, 1923 — Rush, El Paso, Colorado, United States |
Marriage: February 1, 1866 — Macoupin, Illinois, United States |
6 years son |
William Edgar Smith Birth: 1871 26 23 — Macoupin, Illinois, United States Death: |
9 years son |
Reuben M Smith Jr Birth: May 25, 1880 35 33 — Bird, Macoupin, Illinois, United States Death: between 1900 and 1907 |
3 years son |
Charles Ernest Smith Birth: September 10, 1883 38 36 — Barton, Missouri, United States Death: May 1963 — Colorado, United States |
Phoebe Melvina Stewart has 0 first cousins recorded
Father's family (0)
Mother's family (0)
Marriage | Illinois Marriages, 1815-1935 Text: Name: Reuben M. Smith
Sex: Male
Spouse's Name: Phoebe Mel Stewart
Spouse's Sex: Female
Marriage Date: 1 Feb 1866
Marriage Place: Macoupin, Illinois, United States
Marriage Place (Original): Macoupin County, Illinois, United States
Event Type: Marriage |
Census | 1850 United States - Census transcript - William Stewart - Household
Morgan, Illinois, United States
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Census | 1870 United States - Census transcript - Reuben M Smith Sr - Household
Macoupin, Illinois, United States
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Census | 1880 United States - Census transcript - Reuben M Smith Sr - Household
Bird, Macoupin, Illinois, United States
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Census | 1900 United States - Census transcript - Reuben M Smith Sr - Household
Miami, Peoria Nation, Indian Territory, United States
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Census | Smith Sons Estimated Death Dates
The 1900 Census (June 24, 1880) and 1910 Census (April 23, 1910) both report that Phoebe Melvina Smith had born 5 children with only 1 still living. Please note that the 1900/1910 Census reports of 5 children born and 1 still living are not consistent with other records we have been able to find.
We have been able to find supporting records for the following children: William Edgar Smith, Reuben M Smith Jr, and Charles Ernest Smith. No records have been found for the "missing" two children.
The longest living child was Charles Ernest Smith (1883-1963). All of our records support this life span.
Based on other records, her 2 other "presumably" deceased sons were born on the following years/dates: William Edgar Smith (1871) and Reuben M Smith Jr (1880).
William Edgar Smith was listed in the 1880 Census but not in the 1900 Census. Until other records are found, it is best to mark him as "deceased" without a specific date.
Reuben M Smith Jr appeared in the 1900 Census with his wife, Cora. However, she is listed as a Widow in the 1907 Salt Lake City Directory. It is presumed that Reuben died around that date.
Reuben M Smith Jr was not listed in the 1880 Census with his parents; however, he is listed in the 1900 Census with his wife Cora. She is later shown as a Widow in the 1907 St Lake, Utah City Directory and shown as the Propietor of the Iretta. His death date would logically be between 1900 and 1907.
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Census | 1910 United States - Census transcript - Reuben M Smith Sr - Household
ED 200 El Paso, Colorado, United States
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Census | Smith Sons Estimated Death Dates
The 1900 Census (June 24, 1880) and 1910 Census (April 23, 1910) both report that Phoebe Melvina Smith had born 5 children with only 1 still living. Please note that the 1900/1910 Census reports of 5 children born and 1 still living are not consistent with other records we have been able to find.
We have been able to find supporting records for the following children: William Edgar Smith, Reuben M Smith Jr, and Charles Ernest Smith. No records have been found for the "missing" two children.
The longest living child was Charles Ernest Smith (1883-1963). All of our records support this life span.
Based on other records, her 2 other "presumably" deceased sons were born on the following years/dates: William Edgar Smith (1871) and Reuben M Smith Jr (1880).
William Edgar Smith was listed in the 1880 Census but not in the 1900 Census. Until other records are found, it is best to mark him as "deceased" without a specific date.
Reuben M Smith Jr appeared in the 1900 Census with his wife, Cora. However, she is listed as a Widow in the 1907 Salt Lake City Directory. It is presumed that Reuben died around that date.
Reuben M Smith Jr was not listed in the 1880 Census with his parents; however, he is listed in the 1900 Census with his wife Cora. She is later shown as a Widow in the 1907 St Lake, Utah City Directory and shown as the Propietor of the Iretta. His death date would logically be between 1900 and 1907.
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Census | 1920 United States - Census transcript - Reuben M Smith Sr - Household
El Paso, Colorado, United States