Edward G CheekAge: 16 years1854–1870
- Name
- Edward G Cheek
- Given names
- Edward G
- Surname
- Cheek
Birth | about 1854 35 27 |
Birth of a sister | Mary Jane Cheek January 8, 1855 (Age 12 months) |
Death of a brother | Benjamin F Cheek before 1860 (Age 6 years) |
Death of a sister | F C Cheek before 1860 (Age 6 years) |
Census | September 8, 1860 (Age 6 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Martha “Patsey” McGehee after 1860 (Age 6 years) |
Death | before 1870 (Age 16 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Randolph Edmond Cheek Birth: about 1819 — Missouri, United States Death: |
mother |
Sarah Ann Allen Birth: June 7, 1826 26 20 — Missouri, United States Death: April 21, 1894 — Levita, Coryell, Texas, United States |
Marriage: about 1844 — Missouri, United States |
22 months elder sister |
Sarah Elizabeth Cheek Birth: November 5, 1845 26 19 — New Madrid, Missouri, United States Death: May 22, 1937 — Gatesville, Coryell, Texas, United States |
2 years elder brother |
Benjamin F Cheek Birth: about 1847 28 20 — New Madrid, Missouri, United States Death: before 1860 |
3 years elder sister |
F C Cheek Birth: about 1849 30 22 — New Madrid, Missouri, United States Death: before 1860 |
8 months elder sister |
Pernecia Emeline Cheek Birth: August 19, 1849 30 23 — Missouri, United States Death: June 10, 1922 — Coryell, Texas, United States |
5 years himself |
Edward G Cheek Birth: about 1854 35 27 — Missouri, United States Death: before 1870 |
1 year younger sister |
Mary Jane Cheek Birth: January 8, 1855 36 28 — Missouri, United States Death: February 24, 1928 — Hylton, Nolan, Texas, United States |
Edward G Cheek has 11 first cousins recorded
Father's family (0)
Mother's family (11)
Parents John Franklin Allen + Susan Wright
Parents John Franklin Allen + Caroline Sarah Coleman
Parents Joseph Matthew Allen + Mary Johnson
Census | 1860 United States - Census transcript - Randolph Edmond Cheek - Household
Grayson, Texas, United States