The Shemwell Family

Thomas Temple FryAge: 69 years18331903

Thomas Temple Fry
Given names
Thomas Temple
Birth December 17, 1833
MarriageElla LemonView this family
about 1862 (Age 28 years)
Note: Marriage info based on the birth of their first child
Birth of a son
Arthur Griffin Fry
December 14, 1873 (Age 39 years)
Birth of a daughter
Blanche C Fry
September 16, 1874 (Age 40 years)
Birth of a daughter
Alma Fontaine Fry
July 24, 1876 (Age 42 years)
Census June 8, 1880 (Age 46 years)
Death of a wifeElla Lemon
November 5, 1892 (Age 58 years)
Marriage of a childStephen S DaughertyBlanche C FryView this family
December 25, 1892 (Age 59 years)
Name: Stephen S. Daugherty Event Type: Marriage Event Date: 25 Dec 1892 Event Place: Denton, Texas, United States Event Place (Original): Denton, Texas, United States Sex: Male Spouse's Name: Blanch C. Frry Spouse's Sex: Female Record Number: 1115
Birth of a grandson
Otis L Daugherty
August 27, 1893 (Age 59 years)
Marriage of a childDaniel Boone Daugherty JrAlma Fontaine FryView this family
October 26, 1893 (Age 59 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Ella Loretta Daugherty
January 17, 1895 (Age 61 years)
Birth of a grandson
Claude Daugherty
June 26, 1895 (Age 61 years)
Birth of a grandson
Daniel Boone “Bugs” Daugherty
December 19, 1897 (Age 64 years)
Marriage of a childArthur Griffin FryFannie Ellen PageView this family
about 1897 (Age 63 years)
Birth of a grandson
Stephen Curtis Daugherty
June 1898 (Age 64 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Blanche Pauline Daugherty
September 17, 1898 (Age 64 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Lois Vivian Daugherty
May 6, 1901 (Age 67 years)
Death August 7, 1903 (Age 69 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Old Alton Cemetery
Family with Ella Lemon - View this family
Thomas Temple Fry
Birth: December 17, 1833Stokes, North Carolina, United States
Death: August 7, 1903Denton, Texas, United States
Marriage: about 1862Texas, United States
12 years
Arthur Griffin Fry
Birth: December 14, 1873 39 30Texas, United States
Death: October 29, 1927Texas, United States
9 months
22 months

No family available

Marriage info based on the birth of their first child
Census1880 United States - Census transcript - Thomas Temple Fry - Household

Pricinct 1, ED 102 Denton, Texas, United States

Fry, ThomasWM46headMFarmerNCNCNC
Fry, EllaWF36wifeMKeeping HouseINMDKY
Fry, OtisWM11sonSAttending SchoolxxTXMDKY
Fry, AnnieWF10daughterSAttending SchoolxTXMDKY
Fry, ArthurWM8sonSTXMDKY
Fry, BlanchWF5daughterSxTXMDKY
Fry, AlmaWF3daughterSTXMDKY
Fry, ThomasWM1sonSTXMDKY