Howard Trace DaughertyAge: 81 years1939–2020
- Name
- Howard Trace Daugherty
- Given names
- Howard Trace
- Surname
- Daugherty
Birth | March 10, 1939 31 28 Associate: Elsie Smith
Associate: Cyrus Marion Daugherty
Census | May 1, 1940 (Age 13 months) |
Birth of a brother | Larry Lee Daugherty December 20, 1940 (Age 21 months) Associate: Elsie Smith
Associate: Cyrus Marion Daugherty
Death of a brother | Larry Lee Daugherty February 16, 1941 (Age 23 months) Associate: Elsie Smith
Associate: Cyrus Marion Daugherty
Census | May 4, 1950 (Age 11 years) |
Birth of a brother | Kenneth Daugherty September 19, 1951 (Age 12 years) |
Death of a brother | Kenneth Daugherty September 19, 1951 (Age 12 years) Associate: Elsie Smith
Associate: Cyrus Marion Daugherty
Death of a father | Cyrus Marion Daugherty July 19, 1952 (Age 13 years) Associate: Elsie Smith
Death of a mother | Elsie Smith after 1952 (Age 12 years) Note: She was listed as the informant on her husband's death certificate in 1952. |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Mary Etta Payne February 3, 1954 (Age 14 years) |
Death | May 10, 2020 (Age 81 years) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Central Cemetery |
Family with parents |
father |
Cyrus Marion Daugherty Birth: August 28, 1907 49 32 — Tarrant, Texas, United States Death: July 19, 1952 — Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto, Texas, United States |
mother |
Elsie Smith Birth: about 1911 — Texas, United States Death: after 1952 |
sister |
Private |
himself |
Howard Trace Daugherty Birth: March 10, 1939 31 28 — Parker, Texas, United States Death: May 10, 2020 — Texas, Missouri, United States |
21 months younger brother |
Larry Lee Daugherty Birth: December 20, 1940 33 29 — Parker, Texas, United States Death: February 16, 1941 — Parker, Texas, United States |
sister |
Private |
brother |
Private |
brother |
Private |
brother |
Private |
younger brother |
Kenneth Daugherty Birth: September 19, 1951 44 40 — Anson, Jones, Texas, United States Death: September 19, 1951 — Anson, Jones, Texas, United States |
Howard Trace Daugherty has 13 first cousins recorded
Father's family (13)
Parents John Thaddus Daugherty + Ileta Elizabeth Driscoll
Parents Richard D Durham + Susan Ellen “Susie” Daugherty
Parents Loren Lavelle Daugherty + Debbie “Dovie” Driscoll
Parents Euel “Jude” Daugherty + Winnie Lanora “Dot” Ellis
Parents Eugene Loyd “Pat” Daugherty + Jewel Lee Clark