The Shemwell Family

Julius James PullenAge: 46 years18811927

Julius James Pullen
Given names
Julius James
Birth January 28, 1881
MarriageMargaret E FrostView this family
August 19, 1899 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a daughter
Bertha Ramona Pullen
December 22, 1899 (Age 18 years)
Death of a wifeMargaret E Frost
before 1904 (Age 22 years)
Death July 16, 1927 (Age 46 years)
Family with Margaret E Frost - View this family
Julius James Pullen
Birth: January 28, 1881Arcata, Humboldt, California, United States
Death: July 16, 1927Salinas, Monterey, California, United States
Margaret E Frost
Birth: January 1884 33 20California, United States
Death: before 1904Humboldt, California, United States
Marriage: August 19, 1899Eureka, Humboldt, California, United States
4 months
Bertha Ramona Pullen
Birth: December 22, 1899 18 15Eureka, Humboldt, California, United States
Death: April 20, 1982Alameda, California, United States

No family available