The Shemwell Family

James Wesley BrannumAge: 63 years18611925

James Wesley Brannum
Given names
James Wesley
Birth October 16, 1861
MarriageMary Jane ThomasView this family
about 1878 (Age 16 years)
Note: Marriage info based on 1900 census
Birth of a son
Clarence Brannum
March 5, 1886 (Age 24 years)
Census June 8, 1900 (Age 38 years)
Death of a wifeMary Jane Thomas
July 28, 1903 (Age 41 years)
Marriage of a childClarence BrannumHarriet June “Hattie” WarbingtonView this family
April 3, 1909 (Age 47 years)
Death August 21, 1925 (Age 63 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Lone Hill Cemetery
Family with Mary Jane Thomas - View this family
James Wesley Brannum
Birth: October 16, 1861Missouri, United States
Death: August 21, 1925Missouri, United States
Mary Jane Thomas
Birth: November 29, 1861 38 17Missouri, United States
Death: July 28, 1903Missouri, United States
Marriage: about 1878Kentucky, United States
8 years
Clarence Brannum
Birth: March 5, 1886 24 24Missouri, United States
Death: January 15, 1974Missouri, United States

No family available

DeathMissouri State Board of Health - Bureau of Vital Statistics
Marriage info based on 1900 census
Census1900 United States - Census transcript - James Wesley Brannum - Household

Beaver Dam, Butler, Missouri, United States

Brannum, James WheadWMOct186038M22MONCTNFarmerYesYesYesOFF
Brannum, Mary JwifeWFNov186038M2255MOTNMOYesYesYes
Brannum, James TsonWMOct1883SMOMOMOAt School6YesYesYes
Brannum, ClarencesonWMMar1886SMOMOMOAt School6YesYesYes
Brannum, ArthursonWMSep1888SMOMOMOAt School6YesYesYes
Brannum, Phillip EsonWMAug1891SMOMOMO
Brannum, OscarsonWMJun1895SMOMOMO