David CloptonAge: 75 years1824–1899
- Name
- David Clopton
- Given names
- David
- Surname
- Clopton
Birth | about 1824 |
Marriage | Margaret E Johnson — View this family about 1843 (Age 19 years) Note: Marriage info based on the birth of their first child |
Death | about 1899 (Age 75 years) |
Family with Margaret E Johnson |
himself |
David Clopton Birth: about 1824 — South Carolina, United States Death: about 1899 — Arkansas, United States |
wife |
Margaret E Johnson Birth: about 1830 43 32 — North Carolina, United States Death: |
Marriage: about 1843 — South Carolina, United States |
No family available
Marriage | Marriage info based on the birth of their first child |