The Shemwell Family

Alice Lucille ShamelAge: 81 years19242005

Alice Lucille Shamel
Given names
Alice Lucille
Married name
Alice Lucille Roesch
Birth March 10, 1924 40 27
Census April 16, 1930 (Age 6 years)
Census April 22, 1940 (Age 16 years)
Census April 7, 1950 (Age 26 years)
Death of a fatherNelson VanBuren Shamel
April 10, 1951 (Age 27 years)
Cause: Auto accident
Birth of a son
Brent Alan Roesch
November 21, 1962 (Age 38 years)
Death of a sonBrent Alan Roesch
March 31, 1963 (Age 39 years)
Death of a motherOra Agnes Hough
April 15, 1968 (Age 44 years)

Death of a husbandAndrew Ira Roesch
January 23, 1982 (Age 57 years)
Death of a sisterOpha Elizabeth Shamel
March 3, 2002 (Age 77 years)
Death May 6, 2005 (Age 81 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Rivermonte Memorial Gardens
Family with parents - View this family
Nelson VanBuren Shamel
Birth: January 1, 1884 34 23Laclede, Missouri, United States
Death: April 10, 1951Lebanon, Laclede, Missouri, United States
Marriage: December 23, 1914Competition, Laclede, Missouri, United States
2 years
elder sister
Opha Elizabeth Shamel
Birth: March 10, 1917 33 20Laclede, Missouri, United States
Death: March 3, 2002Riverton, Fremont, Wyoming, United States
4 years
elder sister
Phyllis Mae Shamel
Birth: February 14, 1921 37 24Competition, Laclede, Missouri, United States
Death: July 27, 2011Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States
3 years
Alice Lucille Shamel
Birth: March 10, 1924 40 27Missouri, United States
Death: May 6, 2005Terre Haute, Vigo, Indiana, United States
Family with Andrew Ira Roesch - View this family
Andrew Ira Roesch
Birth: April 5, 1919Terre Haute, Vigo, Indiana, United States
Death: January 23, 1982Terre Haute, Vigo, Indiana, United States
Alice Lucille Shamel
Birth: March 10, 1924 40 27Missouri, United States
Death: May 6, 2005Terre Haute, Vigo, Indiana, United States
Brent Alan Roesch
Birth: November 21, 1962 43 38Indiana, United States
Death: March 31, 1963Terre Haute, Vigo, Indiana, United States

Alice Lucille Shamel has 15 first cousins recorded

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Nelson VanBuren Shamel - Household

Laclede, Missouri, United States

Shamel, Van headMW46MMOKYKYfarmer
Shamel, Ora wifeFW33MMOMOMO
Shamel, Opha EdaughterFW13MMOMOMO
Shamel, Phyllis MdaughterFW9MMOMOMO
Shamel, Alice LdaughterFW6MMOMOMO

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Nelson VanBuren Shamel - Household

Roads leading to Competition Franklin, Laclede, Missouri

Shamel, VanXheadMW55MMOSame HouseFarmerFarm
Shamel, OrawifeFW43MMO
Shamel, AlicedaughterFW16SMO