John Henry HarringtonAge: 79 years1911–1990
- Name
- John Henry Harrington
- Given names
- John Henry
- Surname
- Harrington
Family with parents |
father |
Dempsey Hezekiah Harrington Birth: March 22, 1873 48 33 — Union, Conway, Arkansas, United States Death: March 24, 1941 — Conway, Arkansas, United States |
mother |
Jane Mae “Jannie” Gordon Birth: November 3, 1878 23 24 — Center Ridge, Conway, Arkansas, United States Death: March 9, 1911 — Conway, Arkansas, United States |
Marriage: December 28, 1897 — Conway, Arkansas, United States |
11 months elder brother |
Hervey Alexander Harrington Birth: November 30, 1898 25 20 — Conway, Arkansas, United States Death: August 3, 1986 — Dumas, Desha, Arkansas, United States |
16 months elder sister |
Fronia B Harrington Birth: March 1900 26 21 — Conway, Arkansas, United States Death: June 16, 1933 — Lonoke, Arkansas, United States |
11 months elder sister |
Arkie Hazel Harrington Birth: January 22, 1901 27 22 — Lanty, Conway, Arkansas, United States Death: September 25, 1996 — Arkansas, United States |
2 years elder sister |
Annie M Harrington Birth: April 18, 1903 30 24 — Conway, Arkansas, United States Death: January 4, 1973 — Dumas, Desha, Arkansas, United States |
3 years elder sister |
Lola Evelyn Harrington Birth: March 22, 1906 33 27 — Conway, Arkansas, United States Death: September 20, 1989 — Birdtown, Conway, Arkansas, United States |
10 months elder brother |
Sam Ray Harrington Birth: January 25, 1907 33 28 — Conway, Faulkner, Arkansas, United States Death: March 16, 1990 — Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, United States |
3 years elder sister |
Selma Marie Harrington Birth: March 21, 1910 36 31 — Morrilton, Conway, Arkansas, United States Death: |
11 months himself |
John Henry Harrington Birth: February 4, 1911 37 32 — Morrilton, Conway, Arkansas, United States Death: August 31, 1990 — Caruthersville, Pemiscot, Missouri, United States |
Father’s family with Sarah “Sallie” Rogers |
father |
Dempsey Hezekiah Harrington Birth: March 22, 1873 48 33 — Union, Conway, Arkansas, United States Death: March 24, 1941 — Conway, Arkansas, United States |
step-mother |
Sarah “Sallie” Rogers Birth: about 1883 — Arkansas, United States Death: July 13, 1956 — Clinton, Van Buren, Arkansas, United States |
Marriage: July 1, 1914 — Van Buren, Arkansas, United States |
3 years half-sister |
Ollie Lee Harrington Birth: 1916 42 33 — Arkansas, United States Death: |
4 years half-sister |
Willie Mae Harrington Birth: about October 1919 46 36 — Arkansas, United States Death: |
2 years half-sister |
Bernice Harrington Birth: 1921 47 38 — Arkansas, United States Death: |
John Henry Harrington has 29 first cousins recorded
Father's family (29)
Parents Alvus Martin Maxwell + Mary Ann “Mollie” Harrington
Parents John “Boot” Gaylor + Bellzora A Harrington
Parents David Obediah Chism + Nellie Eldora Harrington
Parents Elbert Morley Harrington + Lillie Lenora Reid
Parents Elbert Morley Harrington + Dora Alice Nichols
Mother's family (0)
Birth | John Henry Harrington - Birth Date and Mother
Based on reviewing the credibility of the records, I believe that John Henry Harrington (GDPR-3LQ) was born on February 4, 1911 (not 1912) and his mother was Jane Mae Gordon (LHQ2-CJP). Pending additional research, I have updated the Family Tree accordingly
John's Birth Certificate shows: (1) his birth date was February 4, 1912 (2) his father is Dempsy Hezekiah Harrington, (3) his mother is Janie Mae Cordon, (4) that John was a "legitimate" child, and (5) it was not officially signed until 1943 by his brother, Hervey Alexander Harrington.
John's 1990 Social Security Record documents: (1) his birth date is February 4, 1912 (2) his father is Dempsey H Harrington, and (3) his mother is Joney M Gordon. It is assumed that the Social Security document is based upon his original Birth Certificate signed in 1943. Comprehending document transcription irregularities, it is further assumed that "Janie Mae Gordon" and "Joney M Gordon" are referring to Jane Mae Gordon.
Jane's tombstone photo is the only record we currently have documenting her death date as March 9, 1911.
Based on the records, it appears that John was 100% convinced that Jane was his mother; however, his birth date and Jane's death date are inconsistent.
1. It is possible that Jane's tombstone photo has an incorrect death date inscribed. In other family tree research, I have seen (although not many times) cases in which the tombstone death date does not match certified Death Certificate documentation; but, we do not have Jane's Death Certificate for comparison. Assuming her death year is actually 1912, it would support that Jane is John's mother. For example, John was born in Februrary 1912 and Jane died in March 1912 due to the complications of child birth.
2. Assuming that Jane acutally died in 1911 lends support to another theory. Now, Dempsey did not remarry (Sarah Rogers) until July 1914. Suppose that after Jane died, Dempsey had a relationship with an unknown person resulting in the conception of John. Due to the "dark clould" of being known as an illegitimate child, it is possible that John was told his mother was Jane in order to save him future embarrasment in life.
3. Assuming that Jane's death date is correct and documents her March 1911 birth date is the most probable scenario due to the actual tombstone photo. Considering that John's Birth Certificate date was not approved/signed until 1943 (~32 years after he was born and certified by a brother ... not a parent) leaves some room for error. It is possible that his birth date could have been February 1911 which is more consistent with Jane's death date of March 1911. Again, with John being born in February 1911 and his mother dying in March 1911 due to child birth complications makes the most sense.
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Census | 1920 United States - Census transcript - Dempsey Hezekiah Harrington - Household
ED 101 Lee, Pope, Arkansas, United States