The Shemwell Family

Matilda PowellAge: 81 years18441926

Matilda Powell
Given names
Birth January 8, 1844 28 18
Birth of a brotherOrlando Powell
January 17, 1845 (Age 12 months)
Death of a maternal grandfatherJames Troutman
September 16, 1847 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherJehu Z “John” Powell
August 13, 1848 (Age 4 years)
Census September 2, 1850 (Age 6 years)
Census August 1, 1860 (Age 16 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherJosiah Powell
May 6, 1867 (Age 23 years)
Census August 30, 1870 (Age 26 years)
Death of a motherMartha Adaline Troutman
May 20, 1878 (Age 34 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherNancy Stephenson
April 11, 1880 (Age 36 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMargaret Mugg
May 2, 1880 (Age 36 years)
Death of a fatherJacob Powell
May 30, 1895 (Age 51 years)
Name: Jacob Powell Sex: Male Age: 80 yr Race: W Event Type: Death Event Date: 30 May 1895 Event Place: Logansport, Indiana Birth Year (Estimated): 1815 Affiliate Repository Place: County Clerk Office, County Clerks Office, Logansport
Death of a brotherJehu Z “John” Powell
January 18, 1918 (Age 74 years)
John L. Powell Sex: Male Age: 69 yr Race: W Event Type: Death Event Date: 06 Jan 1918 Event Place: Logansport, Indiana Birth Year (Estimated): 1849 Affiliate Repository Place: City Health Office, Logansport
Death of a brotherOrlando Powell
October 3, 1924 (Age 80 years)
Death 1926 (Age 81 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Mount Hope Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Jacob Powell
Birth: March 10, 1815 35 21Washington, Pennsylvania, United States
Death: May 30, 1895Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
Marriage: January 3, 1842Cass, Indiana, United States
1 year
elder sister
Maria L Powell
Birth: December 27, 1842 27 17Bethlehem, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: February 22, 1927Bethlehem, Cass, Indiana, United States
1 year
Matilda Powell
Birth: January 8, 1844 28 18Bethlehem, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: 1926Indiana, United States
1 year
younger brother
Orlando Powell
Birth: January 17, 1845 29 19Bethlehem, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: October 3, 1924Indiana, United States
4 years
younger brother
Jehu Z “John” Powell
Birth: August 13, 1848 33 23Bethlehem, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: January 18, 1918Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States

Matilda Powell has 7 first cousins recorded

Census1850 United States - Census transcript - Martha Adaline Troutman - Household

Jefferson, Miami, Indiana, United States

Jacob Powellhead37MWFarmerPA
Martha Adaline Powellwife25FWIN
Maria L Powelldaughter7FWINx
Matilda Powelldaughter6FWINx
Orlando Powellson5MWINx
Jehu Z “John” Powellson2MWIN

Census1860 United States - Census transcript - Jacob Powell - Household

1860 Bethlehem, Cass, Indiana - Jacob Powell

Jacob Powellhead45MWPAx
Martha Adaline Powellwife35FWIN
Maria L Powelldaughter17FWINx
Matilda Powelldaughter16FWINx
Orlando Powellson15MWINx
Jehu Z “John” Powellson11MWINx
Nancy Troutmanmother-in-law61FWVA

Census1870 United States - Census transcript - Jacob Powell - Household

Bethlehem, Cass, Indiana, United States

Powell, Jacobhead55MWFarmer120001600PAx
Powell, Martha Awife45FWKeeping HouseIN
Powell, Matildadaughter25FWIN
Powell, Orlandoson24MWWorks on FarmINx
Powell, Jehu Zson22MWStudentINx
Troutman, Nancymother-in-law72FWVA

Jacob Powell Obituary and Family Listing Logansport Pharos-Tribune 31 May 1895 p11 Jacob Powell was born Washington County PA . As a young boy with his father he moved to Jefferson County OH near Steubenville. At the age of 20 in 1835 he went by boat down the Ohio River and then up to Rock Island IL. He then walked across the country to where Chicago now stands and worked the summer . He headed south to Logansport and soon located in Bethlehem Township where he lived until the death of his first wife Miss Troutman in 1878. They had four children. 1881 he built a boat and steamed down the Wabash and Ohio Rivers to Metropolis IL where he has since resided, having married Mrs. Julia Turner of that place. He was visiting his children in Logansport when he passed away."