Sadie B GorumAge: 87 years1898–1986
- Name
- Sadie B Gorum
- Given names
- Sadie B
- Surname
- Gorum
- Married name
- Sadie B McGehee
- Married name
- Sadie B Whitehead
Birth | December 14, 1898 |
Marriage | Herman Earl McGehee — View this family March 24, 1913 (Age 14 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Charlie Earl McGehee October 19, 1915 (Age 16 years) Note: Still birth record naming parents |
Death of a son | Charlie Earl McGehee October 19, 1915 (Age 16 years) Note: Still birth record naming parents |
Census | January 9, 1920 (Age 21 years) |
Census | April 1930 (Age 31 years) |
Marriage | Charles James Whitehead — View this family October 29, 1932 (Age 33 years) |
Death of a husband | Herman Earl McGehee April 25, 1950 (Age 51 years) |
Death | March 25, 1986 (Age 87 years) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Rowell Cemetery |
Family with Herman Earl McGehee |
husband |
Herman Earl McGehee Birth: April 7, 1896 28 26 — Arkansas, United States Death: April 25, 1950 — Washington, Arkansas, United States |
herself |
Sadie B Gorum Birth: December 14, 1898 — Bradley, Arkansas, United States Death: March 25, 1986 — Arkansas, United States |
Marriage: March 24, 1913 — Washington, Arkansas, United States |
3 years son |
Charlie Earl McGehee Birth: October 19, 1915 19 16 — Wager, Benton, Arkansas, United States Death: October 19, 1915 — Wager, Benton, Arkansas, United States |
Family with Charles James Whitehead |
husband |
Charles James Whitehead Birth: January 25, 1902 — Cleveland, Arkansas, United States Death: July 5, 1987 — Rowell, Cleveland, Arkansas, United States |
herself |
Sadie B Gorum Birth: December 14, 1898 — Bradley, Arkansas, United States Death: March 25, 1986 — Arkansas, United States |
Marriage: October 29, 1932 — Saline, Arkansas, United States |
Herman Earl McGehee + Clara Nannie Stroud |
husband |
Herman Earl McGehee Birth: April 7, 1896 28 26 — Arkansas, United States Death: April 25, 1950 — Washington, Arkansas, United States |
husband’s wife |
Clara Nannie Stroud Birth: September 10, 1903 — Arkansas, United States Death: October 2, 1995 — Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States |
step-son |
Private |
No family available
Census | 1920 United States - Census transcript - Herman Earl McGehee - Household
little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, United States
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Census | 1930 United States - Census transcript - Sadie B Gorum - Household
Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, United States