Patsy Lou HouseAge: 58 years1935–1994
- Name
- Patsy Lou House
- Given names
- Patsy Lou
- Surname
- House
- Married name
- Patsy Lou Pottenger
Birth | September 8, 1935 |
Death | April 27, 1994 (Age 58 years) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Springfield National Cemetery |
Family with Harold Paul Pottenger |
husband |
Harold Paul Pottenger Birth: November 21, 1932 40 36 — Aurora, Lawrence, Missouri, United States Death: November 25, 1994 — Missouri, United States |
herself |
Patsy Lou House Birth: September 8, 1935 — Bolivar, Polk, Missouri, United States Death: April 27, 1994 — Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Private |