The Shemwell Family

Minnie Belle AddyAge: 81 years18831965

Minnie Belle Addy
Given names
Minnie Belle
Married name
Minnie Belle Miller
Birth December 25, 1883
MarriageGeorge Peter MillerView this family
April 7, 1906 (Age 22 years)
Name: George Miller Sex: Male Age: 28 Birth Year (Estimated): 1878 Spouse's Name: Minnie Addy Spouse's Sex: Female Spouse's Age: 22 Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1884 Event Type: Marriage Event Date: 7 Apr 1906 Event Place: Columbus, Cherokee, Kansas, United States Source Details: 4156 Reference: Volumes L-O
Birth of a daughter
Irma H Miller
May 8, 1906 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a son
Phillip Clark Miller
January 31, 1908 (Age 24 years)
Census April 24, 1910 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a daughter
Infant Miller
September 7, 1910 (Age 26 years)
Name: Miller Sex: Female Father's Name: Geo Miller Father's Sex: Male Father's Age: 28 Father's Birth Year (Estimated): 1882 Father's Birthplace: American Mother's Name: Minnie Addy Mother's Sex: Female Mother's Age: 26 Mother's Birth Year (Estimated): 1884 Mother's Birthplace: American Event Type: Birth Event Date: 07 Sep 1910 Event Place: Galena, Cherokee, Kansas, United States Event Place (Original): Galena
Death of a daughterInfant Miller
before 1915 (Age 31 years)
Note: Not listed in 1915 Census, presumed deceased
Census 1915 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a son
Norman George Miller
September 6, 1917 (Age 33 years)
Census January 23, 1920 (Age 36 years)
Death of a husbandGeorge Peter Miller
February 11, 1924 (Age 40 years)
Census April 15, 1930 (Age 46 years)
Census April 22, 1940 (Age 56 years)
Marriage of a childPhillip Clark MillerOvella Audrey HooperView this family
between 1941 and 1949 (Age 57 years)
Census April 15, 1950 (Age 66 years)
Death July 23, 1965 (Age 81 years)
Minnie Belle Miller Obituary
July 24, 1965 (1 day after death)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Highland Park Cemetery
Family with George Peter Miller - View this family
Minnie Belle Addy
Birth: December 25, 1883Edgerton, Johnson, Kansas, United States
Death: July 23, 1965Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, United States
Marriage: April 7, 1906Columbus, Cherokee, Kansas, United States
1 month
Irma H Miller
Birth: May 8, 1906 25 22Kansas, United States
Death: June 25, 2003Kansas, United States
21 months
Phillip Clark Miller
Birth: January 31, 1908 27 24Kansas, United States
Death: October 1980El Dorado, Butler, Kansas, United States
3 years
Infant Miller
Birth: September 7, 1910 29 26Galena, Cherokee, Kansas, United States
Death: before 1915Kansas, United States
7 years
Norman George Miller
Birth: September 6, 1917 36 33Kansas, United States
Death: January 27, 1991Shawnee, Kansas, United States

No family available

MarriageKansas Marriages, 1840-1935
Name: George Miller Sex: Male Age: 28 Birth Year (Estimated): 1878 Spouse's Name: Minnie Addy Spouse's Sex: Female Spouse's Age: 22 Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1884 Event Type: Marriage Event Date: 7 Apr 1906 Event Place: Columbus, Cherokee, Kansas, United States Source Details: 4156 Reference: Volumes L-O
DeathMissouri State Board of Health - Bureau of Vital Statistics
Census1910 United States - Census transcript - George Peter Miller - Household

Galena, Cherokee, Kansas, United States

Miller, GeorgeheadMW28M14ARGermanyGermanyEnglishLaborerMonesWNoYesYesYesRH
Miller, MinniewifeFW27M1421KSOHIAEnglishNoneYesYes
Miller, IrmadaughterFW3SKSARKsNone
Miller, PhillipsonMW2SKSARKSNone

CensusKansas State - Census transcript - George Peter Miller - Household

Galena, Cherokee, Kansas, United States

Miller, GeoheadMW33MAR
Miller, MinniewifeFW30MKS
Miller, IrmadaughterFW9SKS
Miller, PhillipsonMW7SKS

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - George Peter Miller - Household

Galena, Cherokee, Kansas, United States

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Miller, Geo PheadOMMW37MNoYesYesARRussiaRussianRussiaRussianYesMinerZinc MinesW
Miller, Minnie BwifeFW35MNoYesYesKSILILYes
Miller, IrmadaughterFW13SYesYesYesKSARKSYes
Miller, PhillipsonMW11SYesYesYesKSARKSYes
Miller, NormansonMW2SKSARKS

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Minnie Belle Addy - Household

El Dorado, Butler, Kansas, United States

Miller, Minnie BheadR6RNoFW46Wd20NoYesKSININYesMatronBunk HouseWYes
Miller, Irma HdaughterFW23SNoYesKSARKSYesNone
Miller, Phillip CsonMW22SNoYesKSARKSYesLaborerGasoline Filling StationWYes
Miller, Norman GsonMW12SNoYesKSARKSYesNone

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Minnie Belle Addy - Household

El Dorado, Butler, Kansas, United States

Miller, Minnie BxheadFW56WdNoKS
Miller, Irma HdaughterFW33SNoKS
Miller, PhillipsonMW32SNoKSChemistOil RefineryPW521200
Miller, NormansonMW23SNoKSEthel Dept MgrOil RefineryPw521200

Census1950 United States - Census transcript - Minnie Belle Addy - Household

Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, United States

NameRelationSexRaceAgeCondBPNatDoing last weekHours WorkedOccupationIndustryClass
Miller, Minnie BheadFW66WdKSH
Miller, Irma HdaughterFW43NevKSWK40Book KeeperRetail Clothing SalesP
Miller, Norman GsonMW32NevKsWK40District Director of Packing House UnionUnionP