The Shemwell Family

Sarah Estella ShemwellAge: 79 years18971977

Sarah Estella Shemwell
Given names
Sarah Estella
Birth September 7, 1897 39 23
Birth of a sisterNancy Novella Shemwell
September 27, 1899 (Age 2 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMartha Ann “Mattie” Feezor
February 27, 1900 (Age 2 years)
Census June 1, 1900 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherAlbert Neal Shemwell
February 5, 1901 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a sisterLillian O'Dell Shemwell
April 5, 1903 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a brotherJames Edwin Shemwell
December 3, 1905 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a sisterRoxie Blanche Shemwell
April 29, 1908 (Age 10 years)
Census April 22, 1910 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a brotherVictor Eugene Shemwell
September 22, 1911 (Age 14 years)
Census January 6, 1920 (Age 22 years)
Death of a fatherGeorge Washington Shemwell
November 27, 1925 (Age 28 years)
Census April 25, 1930 (Age 32 years)
Census April 11, 1940 (Age 42 years)
Death of a brotherAlbert Neal Shemwell
June 25, 1940 (Age 42 years)
Census April 17, 1950 (Age 52 years)
Death of a motherMary Elizabeth Crowell
October 28, 1966 (Age 69 years)
No Children
No Known Biological Children

auburn hair

Death April 19, 1977 (Age 79 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Clark's River Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 2, 1896Marshall, Kentucky, United States
1 year
Sarah Estella Shemwell
Birth: September 7, 1897 39 23Kentucky, United States
Death: April 19, 1977Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, United States
2 years
younger sister
Nancy Novella Shemwell
Birth: September 27, 1899 41 25Kentucky, United States
Death: March 24, 1986Fulton, Fulton, Kentucky, United States
16 months
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
Lillian O'Dell Shemwell
Birth: April 5, 1903 45 29Symnsonia, Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: June 27, 1993Wingo, Graves, Kentucky, United States
3 years
younger brother
James Edwin Shemwell
Birth: December 3, 1905 48 31Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: July 6, 1988Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, United States
2 years
younger sister
Roxie Blanche Shemwell
Birth: April 29, 1908 50 34Kentucky, United States
Death: December 16, 2002Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, United States
3 years
younger brother
Victor Eugene Shemwell
Birth: September 22, 1911 53 37Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: October 23, 1987Wingo, Graves, Kentucky, United States

Sarah Estella Shemwell has 26 first cousins recorded

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - George Washington Shemwell - Household

Graves, Kentucky

Shemwell, George WheadWMNov185642M3KYNCTNFarmer
Shemwell, Mary EwifeWFJan187426M322KYKYKY
Shemwell, Sarah EdaughterWFSep18972SKYKYKY
Shemwell, Nancy NdaughterWFSep18998mSKYKYKY

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - George Washington Shemwell - Household

Graves, Kentucky, United States

Shemwell, George WheadMW53M13KYNCTNfarmer
Shemwell, Mary wifeFW36M1366KYKYKY
Shemwell, EstelladaughterFW12SKYKYKY
Shemwell, NovelladaughterFW10MKYKYKY
Shemwell, Albert sonMW9MKYKYKY
Shemwell, Lillian daughterFW7SKYKYKY
Shemwell, EdwinsonMW4MKYKYKY
Shemwell, BlanchedaughterFW11 monthsSKYKYKY
Shemwell, EarlnephewMW18SKYKYKYfarm laborer

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - George Washington Shemwell - Household

Lebanon Street Wingo, Graves, Kentucky

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Shemwell, GeorgeheadMW63MKYKYKYMerchantGrocery
Shemwell, MarywifeFW42MKYKYKY
Shemwell, EstelladaughterFW22SKYKYKYTeacherCom School
Shemwell, NovelladaughterFW20SKYKYKYTeacherCom School
Shemwell, AlbertsonMW18SKYKYKYClerkGrocery
Shemwell, LilliandaughterFW16SKYKYKY
Shemwell, EdwinsonMW14SKYKYKY
Shemwell, BlanchedaughterFW11SKYKYKY
Shemwell, VictorsonMW9SKYKYKY

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - James Edwin Shemwell - Household

Congo Street Tallmadge, Summit, Ohio

Shemwell, James EheadMW24SKYKYKY
Shemwell, Mary EmotherFW56WdKYKYKY
Shemwell, Sarah EdaughterFW32SKYKYKY
Shemwell, NancydaughterFW30SKYKYKY
Shemwell, Blanch RdaughterFW21SKYKYKY
Shemwell, Victor EsonMW18SKYKYKY

Mary should be head

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Mary Elizabeth Shemwell - Household

Adams Street Wingo, Graves, KY - Mary E Shemwell

Mary E ShemwellheadFW66WdKYSame House
Estella ShemwelldaughterFW42SKYSame House
Blanche ShemwelldaughterFW32SKYSame HouseOperatorTelephone
Victor ShemwellsonMW28SKYSame HouseLaborerOdd Jobs
J Edwin ShemwellsonMW34MKYSame HouseClerkPost Office
Evelyn Williamsdaughter in lawFW27MKYGroverKYSeamstressWoolen Mills

Census1950 United States - Census transcript - Mary Elizabeth Crowell - Household

Lebanon St. Wingo, Graves, Kentucky

NameRelationSexRaceAgeCondBPNatDoing last weekHours WorkedOccupationIndustryClass
Shemwell, Mary EheadFW76WdKY
Shemwell, EstelladaughterFW52NevKY
Shemwell, BlanchedaughterFW41NevKYOperator SwitchboardTelephone Communication
Shemwell, Victor EsonMW38NevKYTire BuilderRubber