Zillah Elizabeth CopelandAge: 31 years1896–1928
- Name
- Zillah Elizabeth Copeland
- Given names
- Zillah Elizabeth
- Surname
- Copeland
- Married name
- Zillah Elizabeth Troutman
Birth | November 30, 1896 |
Marriage | Howard John Troutman — View this family between 1920 and 1928 (Age 23 years) Note: Howard was listed as Single in the 1920 census. Zillah died in 1928; so, they were married in the 1920 to 1828 timeframe. |
Death | August 21, 1928 (Age 31 years) |
Obituary | Zillah Copeland Obituary and Family Listing August 22, 1928 (1 day after death) Shared note: Zillah Copeland Obituary and Family Listing |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Hall Cemetery |
Family with Howard John Troutman |
husband |
Howard John Troutman Birth: August 26, 1897 24 25 — Harristown, Macon, Illinois, United States Death: April 25, 1972 — Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States |
herself |
Zillah Elizabeth Copeland Birth: November 30, 1896 — Illinois, United States Death: August 21, 1928 — Macon, Illinois, United States |
Marriage: between 1920 and 1928 — Illinois, United States |
No family available
Marriage | Howard was listed as Single in the 1920 census. Zillah died in 1928; so, they were married in the 1920 to 1828 timeframe. |
Obituary | Zillah Copeland Obituary and Family Listing
Illinois Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947
Name: Zillah Copeland
Name Note: 3y residence in city where death occurred.
Sex: Female
Age: 31y 8m 21d
Occupation: At Home
Race: White
Father's Name: Wilbur R. Copeland
Mother's Name: Elizabeth Moss
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 21 Aug 1928
Event Place: Decatur, Macon, Illinois
Birth Date: 30 Nov 1896
Birth Year (Estimated): 1897
Birthplace: Blue Mound, Macon, Illinois
Burial Date: 23 Aug 1928
Burial Place: Blue Mound, Macon, Illinois
Cemetery: Hall
Father's Birthplace: Hillsboro, West Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: Shelby Co., Illinois
Residence Place: Blue Mound, Macon, Illinois
Spouse's Name: Howard Frontueau (Troutman)