The Shemwell Family

Dolores Ella “Babe” DillowAge: 89 years19091999

Dolores Ella “Babe” Dillow
Given names
Dolores Ella
Married name
Dolores Ella Churchman
Birth November 1, 1909 21 20
Census April 15, 1910 (Age 5 months)
Death of a fatherCharles Manuel Dillow
July 5, 1923 (Age 13 years)
MarriageRalph Leroy ChurchmanView this family
about 1934 (Age 24 years)
Note: Marriage info based on the birth of their first child
Birth of a daughter
Marcia L Churchman
September 2, 1935 (Age 25 years)
Census April 1, 1940 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
Ralph Eugene Churchman
December 9, 1942 (Age 33 years)
Census April 1950 (Age 40 years)
Death of a motherLucille Belle Rodgers
August 1974 (Age 64 years)
Death of a husbandRalph Leroy Churchman
April 28, 1993 (Age 83 years)
Death of a daughterMarcia L Churchman
February 10, 1999 (Age 89 years)
Death September 29, 1999 (Age 89 years)
Deloris E Dillow Obituary and Family Listin
October 1, 1999 (2 days after death)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Graceland Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Charles Manuel Dillow
Birth: September 13, 1888Jonesboro, Maury, Tennessee, United States
Death: July 5, 1923Cerro Gordo, Piatt, Illinois, United States
Marriage: April 21, 1909Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States
6 months
Dolores Ella “Babe” Dillow
Birth: November 1, 1909 21 20Cerro Gordo, Piatt, Illinois, United States
Death: September 29, 1999Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States
Family with Ralph Leroy Churchman - View this family
Dolores Ella “Babe” Dillow
Birth: November 1, 1909 21 20Cerro Gordo, Piatt, Illinois, United States
Death: September 29, 1999Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States
Marriage: about 1934Illinois, United States
20 months
Marcia L Churchman
Birth: September 2, 1935 24 25Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States
Death: February 10, 1999Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States
7 years
Ralph Eugene Churchman
Birth: December 9, 1942 31 33Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States
Death: October 24, 2015Salina, Saline, Kansas, United States

Dolores Ella “Babe” Dillow has 0 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (0)

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Charles Manuel Dillow - Household

Cerro Gordo, Piatt, Illinois, United States

Dillow, CharlesheadMW21M11TNTNTNEnglishLaborerPaintingWNo1YesYesRH
Dillow, LucillewifeFW19M1111ILINOHEnglishNoneYesYes
Dillow, Ella DelorisdaughterFW0 years 5 monthsSILTNILNone

Marriage info based on the birth of their first child
Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Ralph Leroy Churchman - Household

Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States

Churchman, Ralph LheadR12NoMW29MNoILYard CheckerStructural steel SupplyPW521167
Churchman, Dolores EwifeFW30MNoIL00
Churchman, Marcia LdaughterFW4SNoIL

Census1950 United States - Census transcript - Ralph Leroy Churchman - Household

Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States

NameRelationSexRaceAgeCondBPNatDoing last weekHours WorkedOccupationIndustryClass
Churchman, Ralph LheadMW38MarILWK40Tool Room OperatorSteel factoryP
Churchman, Dolores EwifeFW40MarILH
Churchman, Marcia LdaughterFW14NevILOT
Churchman, Ralph EsonMW7NevIL

Deloris E Dillow Obituary and Family Listing Deloris E. "Babe" Churchman, 89, of Salina, Kan., formerly of Decatur, died Wednesday (Sept. 29, 1999) in Holiday Resort, Salina.Mrs. Churchman was born Nov. 1, 1909, in Cerro Gordo, the daughter of Charles Dillow and Lucille Rodgers Dillow. She moved to Salina in 1993 from Decatur. She attended the Baptist Church in Decatur. Deloris is survived by a son, Ralph E. Churchman of Salina; four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ralph L. and a daughter, Marcia Koch. Decatur, IL Herald & Review Oct 1, 1999
Ralph Eugene Churchman Obituary and Family Listing Ralph Eugene Churchman, 72, of Salina, Kansas, passed away Saturday, October 24th, 2015. Ralph was born in Decatur, Illinois on December 9, 1942, the son of the late Deloris E. (Dillow) and Ralph L. Churchman. He worked for Leon Dinkel for over 30 years and then started Excel Security Systems in 2000. He was a member of the Salina Breakfast Ambucs, Sheriffs Mounted Patrol and Rescue Squad, and the Salina Homebuilders Association. On October 21, 1967, Ralph married Karen Lichter in Olmitz, Kansas. Survivors include his wife Karen of the home, two daughters, Kimberly Mick and husband John, of Salina, Kansas, Debie Nickelson, and husband Troy, of Assaria, Kansas; and 4 grandchildren, Madison, Kennedy, Evan, and Ian. He is preceded in death by his sister, Marcia Koch. Visitation will be Tuesday from 9:00 am – 8:00 pm at Carlson – Geisendorf Funeral Home with family present from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Funeral Service will be held at First Covenant Church, 2625 E. Magnolia, Salina, Kansas on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 10:00 am. Burial will follow at Crown Point Cemetery Culver, Kansas. Memorial contributions may be made to Salina Breakfast Ambucs in care of Carlson – Geisendorf Funeral Home, 500 S. Ohio, Salina, Kansas 67401.