The Shemwell Family

Anna Elisabeth EplerAge: 70 years18591929

Anna Elisabeth Epler
Given names
Anna Elisabeth
Married name
Anna Elisabeth Gillespie

Anna Elizabeth Epler

Anna Elizabeth Epler
Given names
Anna Elizabeth
Married name
Anna Elizabeth Gillespie
Birth August 3, 1859
MarriageJohn Charles Fremont GillespieView this family
January 26, 1878 (Age 18 years)
Name: Fremont Gillespie Sex: Male Spouse's Name: Annie Epler Spouse's Sex: Female Officiator's Name: Henry Lutes Marriage Place: Kosciusko, Kosciusko, Indiana Event Type: Marriage License Event Date: 26 January 1878 Event Place: Kosciusko, Washington Township, Kosciusko, Indiana, United States Page Number: 716
Birth of a daughter
Nita Belle Gillespie
July 9, 1878 (Age 18 years)
Census June 1, 1880 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a daughter
Laura Una Pearl Gillespie
November 26, 1880 (Age 21 years)
Marriage of a childJohn Aleck BarnettNita Belle GillespieView this family
October 22, 1897 (Age 38 years)
Name: John A Barnett Sex: Male Spouse's Name: Nita B Gillespie Spouse's Sex: Female Marriage Place: Fulton, Indiana Marriage License Date: 22 Oct 1897 Marriage License Place: Fulton, Indiana, United States Event Type: Marriage License Page: 146 Number of Images: 1
Birth of a granddaughter
Enid A Barnett
May 16, 1898 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Edith Anna Barnett
July 20, 1899 (Age 39 years)
Census June 1, 1900 (Age 40 years)
Birth of a grandson
Aleck Gillespie Barnett
April 7, 1901 (Age 41 years)
Marriage of a childThomas Russell WilsonLaura Una Pearl GillespieView this family
June 4, 1903 (Age 43 years)
Name: Thomas R Wilson Sex: Male Spouse's Name: Launa Gillespie Spouse's Sex: Female Officiator's Name: N E Tinkham Marriage Place: Fulton, Indiana Event Type: Marriage License Event Date: 2 June 1903 Event Place: Fulton, Indiana, United States Page Number: 355
Birth of a granddaughter
Helen Elizabeth Wilson
July 23, 1907 (Age 47 years)
Death of a husbandJohn Charles Fremont Gillespie
October 13, 1929 (Age 70 years)
Death October 26, 1929 (Age 70 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Shaffer Cemetery
Family with John Charles Fremont Gillespie - View this family
Marriage: January 26, 1878Washington, Kosciusko, Indiana, United States
5 months
2 years
Laura Una Pearl Gillespie
Birth: November 26, 1880 23 21Kosciusko, Indiana, United States
Death: April 5, 1963Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana, United States

No family available

MarriageIndiana Marriages, 1811-2019
Name: Fremont Gillespie Sex: Male Spouse's Name: Annie Epler Spouse's Sex: Female Officiator's Name: Henry Lutes Marriage Place: Kosciusko, Kosciusko, Indiana Event Type: Marriage License Event Date: 26 January 1878 Event Place: Kosciusko, Washington Township, Kosciusko, Indiana, United States Page Number: 716
Census1880 United States - Census transcript - John Charles Fremont Gillespie - Household

Prairie, Kosciusko, Indiana, United States

Gillespie, FremotWM23headMIN
Gillespie, AnnaWF19wifeMKeeping HouseIN
Gillespie, Nita BellWF1daughterSINININ

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - John Charles Fremont Gillespie - Household

Wayne, Fulton, Indiana, United States

Gillespie, John CheadWMMay185743M22INOHOHFarmer0YesYesYesOMR
Gillespie, Anna EwifeWFAug185940M2296INOHOHYesYesYes
Gillespie, Launa PdaughterWFNov188119SINININTeacher School5 1/2YesYesYes
Gillespie, Fremont OsonWMOct188910SINININAt School6YesYesYes
Gillespie, Theadore JsonWMJuly18918SINININAt School6
Gillespie, Arthur RsonWMFeb18955SINININ
Gillespie, Barbara OdaughteWFSep18963SINININ

Nita Bell Barnett (nee Gillespie) Obituary and Family Listing Published in The Rochester News-Sentinel Monday, August 27, 1945 Nita Bell Barnett Final rites for Mrs. Nita Bell BARNETT, 67, will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the residence, Kewanna, with the Rev. Douglas B. STARKE officiating. Interment will be made in the Barnett cemetery near Kewanna. Nita Bell [GILLESPIE], daughter of J. C. and Anna (EPLER) GILLESPIE, was born on July 9, 1878, in Kosciusko county, where she resided until about six years of age, when she removed with her parents to Fulton county. In October, 1897, she became the bride of John BARNETT and with him established a home in Kewanna, where she has since resided. For the past 20 years she has been employed as a librarian in the Kewanna public library. Her death occurred at the Ewing nursing home in Rochester at 3:40 o'clock Sunday after an illness of several months. Surviving are the husband; two daughters, Miss Edna [BARNETT], and Mrs. Edith COSTELLO of Kewanna; one son, Alex [BARNETT] of Evansville; two sisters, Mrs. Una WILSON, Kewanna, and Miss Barbara GILLESPIE of Roann; three brothers, Freemont [GILLESPIE] of Fort Wayne, Jack [GILLESPIE] of Roann and Ted GILLESPIE of Winslow, Ariz.; two granddaughters, Helen Louise [COSTELLO] and Anna Marie COSTELLO of Kewanna.
Una Pearl Wilson (nee Gillespie) Obituary and Family Listing Published in the Rochester(IN) Sentinel, Saturday, April 6, 1963 Funeral rites will be Monday at 2 p.m. in the Kewanna Methodist church for Mrs. Una Pearl WILSON, 82, Kewanna, who died Friday morning at the Lafayette home of a daughter, Mrs. Helen GRIFFIN. The Revs. Earl HEIMBERGER and Ralph GWIN will officiate and burial will be in the Kewanna I.O.O.F. cemetery. Friends may call at the Harrison funeral home in Kewanna after Sunday noon and at the church an hour before the service. Mrs. Wilson was born Nov. 26, 1880, the daughter of J.C.F. and Anna EPLER GILLESPIE. She was married June 4, 1903, to Thomas R. WILSON, who preceded in death. She formerly was a school teacher. Mrs. Wilson was a member of the Kewanna Methodist church, Eastern Star and Rebekah lodge. Surviving are the daughter, Mrs. Griffin; two grandsons, Tom GRIFFIN, Lafayette, and Edgar GRIFFIN, Los Angeles; a sister, Miss Barbara GILLESPIE, Cleveland; a brother, Ted GILLESPIE, Winslow, Ariz., and several nieces and nephews. SOURCE: