Joseph Leo BaumgartAge: 47 years1914–1962
- Name
- Joseph Leo Baumgart
- Given names
- Joseph Leo
- Surname
- Baumgart
Birth | March 31, 1914 |
Marriage | Wanda Bernice Vandover — View this family November 19, 1948 (Age 34 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Van William Baumgart September 1, 1949 (Age 35 years) |
Census | April 5, 1950 (Age 36 years) |
Death | January 18, 1962 (Age 47 years) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Sacred Heart Cemetery |
Family with Wanda Bernice Vandover |
himself |
Joseph Leo Baumgart Birth: March 31, 1914 Death: January 18, 1962 |
wife |
Wanda Bernice Vandover Birth: July 15, 1925 38 36 — Poplar Bluff, Butler, Missouri, United States Death: August 1981 |
Marriage: November 19, 1948 — Butler, Missouri, United States |
9 months son |
Van William Baumgart Birth: September 1, 1949 35 24 Death: May 21, 1994 |
No family available
Census | 1950 United States - Census transcript - Joseph Leo Baumgar - Household
510 Main Poplar Bluff, Butler, Missouri