The Shemwell Family

Eugene Lewis MillerAge: 60 years18891949

Eugene Lewis Miller
Given names
Eugene Lewis
Birth January 28, 1889 31 34
Birth of a sisterSadie Kathryn Miller
November 28, 1891 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherSamuel William Berry Miller
April 16, 1894 (Age 5 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherWilliam E Sandy
April 13, 1898 (Age 9 years)
Death of a fatherPhilip Tiffin Miller
June 23, 1901 (Age 12 years)
Death of a sisterHattie F Miller
August 8, 1903 (Age 14 years)
Death of a sisterMary Susan “Mamie” Miller
May 6, 1923 (Age 34 years)
Death of a motherMargaret Susannah “Maggie” Sandy
July 19, 1941 (Age 52 years)
Death November 14, 1949 (Age 60 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 21, 1877Rockingham, Virginia, United States
23 months
elder sister
Hattie F Miller
Birth: November 10, 1879 22 25Singers Glen, Rockingham, Virginia, United States
Death: August 8, 1903Rockingham, Virginia, United States
17 months
elder sister
Ioda Alice Miller
Birth: March 29, 1881 24 26Rockingham, Virginia, United States
Death: July 22, 1973Harrisonburg, Virginia, United States
3 years
elder sister
Edith Luella Miller
Birth: June 29, 1884 27 29Rockingham, Virginia, United States
Death: October 8, 1884Rockingham, Virginia, United States
18 months
elder sister
Mary Susan “Mamie” Miller
Birth: January 3, 1886 28 31Dayton, Rockingham, Virginia, United States
Death: May 6, 1923Harrisonburg, Rockingham, Virginia, United States
3 years
Eugene Lewis Miller
Birth: January 28, 1889 31 34Pleasant Valley, Rockingham, Virginia, United States
Death: November 14, 1949Harrisonburg, Rockingham, Virginia, United States
3 years
younger sister
Sadie Kathryn Miller
Birth: November 28, 1891 34 37Rockingham, Virginia, United States
Death: October 13, 1957Alexandria, Virginia, United States
2 years
younger brother
Samuel William Berry Miller
Birth: April 16, 1894 37 39Rockingham, Virginia, United States
Death: November 16, 1959

Eugene Lewis Miller has 86 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (86)

Parents William Harvey Lamb + Elizabeth Catherine “Lizzie” Sandy
1Elmer L Owens18621954
2Jacob Edward Lam18641937
5Mittie Ann Lam18701891
8Reuben Samuel Lam18761950
Parents Tillman Rawley Sandy + Mary C Spader
1John M Sandy18681869
7Nancy Rosa Sandy18781936
10Jacob Edward Sandy18881888
Parents John Henry Sandy + Mariam Frances Kiracofe
Parents William Jackson Sandy + Susan Rebecca Keller
Parents William Jackson Sandy + Frances Virginia Crum
1John Calvin Sandy18731948
3William A Sandy18771881
4Mary E Sandy18791894
6Wilda F Sandy18841947
7Jacob Harvey Sandy18861985
Parents Peter Calvin Tutwiler + Sarah Ann Sandy
Parents Samuel Andrew Sandy + Mary Catherine “Minnie” Rhodes
5Cora Alice Sandy18831979
9Grace May Sandy18961923
10Lois Mary Sandy18981994
11Eunice S Sandy19041999
Parents Reuben Hoffman Sandy + Kate Vernon Rhodes
2Claud Lee Sandy18821882
3May Vernon Sandy18831964
4Maud Lee Sandy18851986
6Loy Franklin Sandy18901969
9Ada Frances Sandy18971990
11Ruth Sandy19011973
Parents Daniel Garber Sandy + Martha Elizabeth Chandler
2Odus Samuel Sandy18891976
Parents John Marshall Rhodes + Nancy Jane “Nannie” Sandy
5Callie Mae Rhodes18891985
8John Olen Rhodes18951969
Parents George Martin Sandy + Maude Mae Brenneman
1Ethel Susan Sandy18921982
2Orpha Viola Sandy18951984
Parents Daniel Walker Falls + Mary Frances Virginia Sandy
1Anna Susan Falls18871950
2Lula Viola Falls18891947
3John William Falls19001995
5Hazel Alice Falls19092002