Gladys B CornellAge: 90 years1902–1993
- Name
- Gladys B Cornell
- Given names
- Gladys B
- Surname
- Cornell
- Married name
- Gladys B Long
Birth | February 26, 1902 |
Marriage | Ernest Nathan Long — View this family July 1, 1919 (Age 17 years) Text: Name: Ernest N Long
Sex: Male
Age: 25 years
Birth Year (Estimated): 1894
Father's Name: Edward N Long
Mother's Name: Dora Carter
Spouse's Name: Gladys B Cornell
Spouse's Sex: Female
Spouse's Age: 17 years
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1902
Spouse's Father's Name: O F Cornell
Spouse's Mother's Name: Hattie Hamilton
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 1 July 1919
Event Place: Chautauqua, Chautauqua, New York, United States
Source Details: 209 |
Census | January 1, 1920 (Age 17 years) |
Census | April 1930 (Age 28 years) |
Census | April 1, 1940 (Age 38 years) |
Census | April 1950 (Age 48 years) |
Death of a husband | Ernest Nathan Long March 13, 1967 (Age 65 years) |
Death | February 1993 (Age 90 years) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Cochise Gardens of Rest Cemetery |
Family with Ernest Nathan Long |
husband |
Ernest Nathan Long Birth: February 14, 1894 25 21 — Kewanna, Fulton, Indiana, United States Death: March 13, 1967 — Saint David, Cochise, Arizona, United States |
herself |
Gladys B Cornell Birth: February 26, 1902 — New York, United States Death: February 1993 — Arizona, United States |
Marriage: July 1, 1919 — Chautauqua, Chautauqua, New York, United States |
No family available
Marriage | New York, County Marriages, 1847-1848 Text: Name: Ernest N Long
Sex: Male
Age: 25 years
Birth Year (Estimated): 1894
Father's Name: Edward N Long
Mother's Name: Dora Carter
Spouse's Name: Gladys B Cornell
Spouse's Sex: Female
Spouse's Age: 17 years
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1902
Spouse's Father's Name: O F Cornell
Spouse's Mother's Name: Hattie Hamilton
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 1 July 1919
Event Place: Chautauqua, Chautauqua, New York, United States
Source Details: 209 |
Census | 1920 United States - Census transcript - Ernest Nathan Long - Household
Harmony, Chautauqua, New York, United States
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Census | 1930 United States - Census transcript - Ernest Nathan Long - Household
Harmony, Chautauqua, New York, United States
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Census | 1940 United States - Census transcript - Ernest Nathan Long - Household
Pearce, Cochise, Arizona, United States
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Census | 1950 United States - Census transcript - Ernest Nathan Long - Household
Cochise, Cochise, Arizona, United States