The Shemwell Family

Florence May CarterAge: 30 years18911921

Florence May Carter
Given names
Florence May
Married name
Florence May Demerly
Birth April 17, 1891 22 18
Birth of a brotherFrederick Anderson Carter
March 11, 1893 (Age 22 months)
Birth of a sisterSarah Blanche Carter
December 15, 1894 (Age 3 years)
Death of a sisterSarah Blanche Carter
March 11, 1895 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherJohn Anderson Carter
December 27, 1895 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a sisterEmma Delora Carter
October 14, 1897 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a sisterAnna Marie Carter
July 8, 1899 (Age 8 years)
Census June 1, 1900 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a brotherThomas Sylvester “Tommy” Carter
May 24, 1904 (Age 13 years)
Birth of a son
Wilbert James Demerly
January 27, 1907 (Age 15 years)
MarriageJohn Lenard Demerly SrView this family
February 13, 1907 (Age 15 years)
Name: John L Demerly Sex: Male Birth Date: 29 August 1888 Birthplace: , Tippecanoe, Indiana Residence Place: , Pulaski, Indiana Race: White Father's Name: Jacob Demerly Father's Sex: Male Mother's Name: Caroline Hebinger Mother's Sex: Female Spouse's Name: Florence May Carter Spouse's Sex: Female Event Type: Marriage License Event Date: 2 July 1907 Event Place: Fulton, Indiana, United States
Birth of a brotherWilliam James “Bill” Carter
April 30, 1907 (Age 16 years)
Birth of a son
Gerald Anderson Demerly
February 15, 1910 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a brotherFayette Lowell “Jack” Carter
April 24, 1910 (Age 19 years)
Note: Birth date/location listed in WWII Draft Registration
Census May 9, 1910 (Age 19 years)
Death of a sisterOdessa Mabelle Carter
April 1, 1911 (Age 19 years)
Name: Odessa Mabelle Carter Sex: Female Age: 21 yr Race: W Event Type: Death Event Date: 01 Apr 1911 Event Place: Wayne Township, Indiana Birth Year (Estimated): 1890 Affiliate Repository Place: County Clerk Office, City Health Office Rochester
Birth of a daughter
Avanell May Demerly
October 10, 1911 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a brotherMerl Cephus Carter
November 10, 1911 (Age 20 years)
Cremation of a sisterOdessa Mabelle Carter
1911 (Age 19 years)
Death of a brotherFrederick Anderson Carter
September 28, 1914 (Age 23 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherJohn Jackson Carter
December 18, 1914 (Age 23 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherThomas A M Cranford
November 22, 1916 (Age 25 years)
Death of a sisterAnna Marie Carter
February 23, 1917 (Age 25 years)
Name: Anna Good Sex: Female Age: 17 yr Race: W Event Type: Death Event Date: 23 Feb 1917 Event Place: Royal Center, Indiana Birth Year (Estimated): 1900 Affiliate Repository Place: County Health Office, Logansport
Birth of a son
John Lenard Demerly Jr
December 20, 1917 (Age 26 years)
Death of a sonJohn Lenard Demerly Jr
March 3, 1918 (Age 26 years)
Name: John Demerly Sex: Male Race: W Event Type: Death Event Date: 03 Mar 1918 Event Place: Logansport, Indiana Affiliate Repository Place: City Health Office, Logansport Source Reference: The source of this record is the book CH-5 on page 27 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
Census January 12, 1920 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a son
Richard C Demerly
July 2, 1921 (on the date of death)
Death July 2, 1921 (Age 30 years)
Florence May Demerly (nee Carter) Obituary and Family Listing
July 5, 1921 (3 days after death)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Grass Creek Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 19, 1888Fulton, Indiana, United States
-5 months
elder sister
20 months
elder sister
Odessa Mabelle Carter
Birth: February 1890 21 17Indiana, United States
Death: April 1, 1911Wayne, Indiana, United States
14 months
23 months
younger brother
Frederick Anderson Carter
Birth: March 11, 1893 24 20Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: September 28, 1914Peru, Miami, Indiana, United States
21 months
younger sister
Sarah Blanche Carter
Birth: December 15, 1894 26 22Indiana, United States
Death: March 11, 1895Fulton, Indiana, United States
1 year
younger brother
John Anderson Carter
Birth: December 27, 1895 27 23Kewanna, Fulton, Indiana, United States
Death: June 9, 1947Kewanna, Fulton, Indiana, United States
22 months
younger sister
21 months
younger sister
Anna Marie Carter
Birth: July 8, 1899 31 27Indiana, United States
Death: February 23, 1917Fulton, Indiana, United States
5 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
Fayette Lowell “Jack” Carter
Birth: April 24, 1910 41 37Logansport, Indiana, United States
Death: August 1979Minidoka, Idaho, United States
19 months
younger brother
Merl Cephus Carter
Birth: November 10, 1911 43 39Wayne, Fulton, Indiana, United States
Death: April 27, 1982Hamlet, Starke, Indiana, United States
Family with John Lenard Demerly Sr - View this family
Marriage: February 13, 1907Fulton, Indiana, United States
-1 months
Wilbert James Demerly
Birth: January 27, 1907 16 15Star, Pulaski, Indiana, United States
Death: May 23, 1993Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan, United States
3 years
Gerald Anderson Demerly
Birth: February 15, 1910 19 18Kewanna, Fulton, Indiana, United States
Death: April 5, 2001Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States
20 months
Avanell May Demerly
Birth: October 10, 1911 21 20Indiana, United States
Death: July 29, 1961Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
6 years
John Lenard Demerly Jr
Birth: December 20, 1917 27 26Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: March 3, 1918Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
4 years
Richard C Demerly
Birth: July 2, 1921 30 30Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: September 28, 1997Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States

Florence May Carter has 16 first cousins recorded

MarriageIndiana Marriages, 1811-2019
Name: John L Demerly Sex: Male Birth Date: 29 August 1888 Birthplace: , Tippecanoe, Indiana Residence Place: , Pulaski, Indiana Race: White Father's Name: Jacob Demerly Father's Sex: Male Mother's Name: Caroline Hebinger Mother's Sex: Female Spouse's Name: Florence May Carter Spouse's Sex: Female Event Type: Marriage License Event Date: 2 July 1907 Event Place: Fulton, Indiana, United States
Census1900 United States - Census transcript - James Ellsworth Carter - Household

Wayne, Fulton, Indiana, United States

Carter, James EheadWMJun186831M12INININFarmer0YesYesYesRF
Carter, Minnie MwifeWFJun187227M1287INTNINYesYesYes
Carter, Nellie BdaughterWFJun188812SININAt School6.5YesYesYes
Carter, Odessa MdaughterWFFeb189010SININAt School6.5YesYesYes
Carter, Flora MdaughterWFApr18919SININAt School6.5
Carter, Freddie EsonWMMar18937SININAt School6.5
Carter, John AsonWMDec18954SININ
Carter, Emma DdaughterWFOct 18972SININ
Carter, Anna MdaughterWFJul18990 years and 10 monthsSININ

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - John Lenard Demerly Sr - Household

Van Buren, Pulaski, Indiana, United States

Demerly, John LheadMW21M13INGermanyGermanyEnglishFarmerGeneral FarmOAYesYesNoRF
Demerly, Florence MwifeFW19M1322INININEnglishNoneYesYes
Demerly, Wilbert JsonMW3SINININNone
Demerly, Garold AsonMW0 years 1 monthsSINININNone
Carter, Frederick Abrother-in-lawMW17SINININEnglishLaborerOdd JobsWNo0YesYesNo

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - John Lenard Demerly Sr - Household

Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Demerly, JohnheadRMW30MYesYesINININYesPaper HangerOA
Demerly, FlorencewifeFW28MYesYesINININYes
Demerly, WebstersonMW13SYesYesYesINININYes
Demerly, John (s/b Gerald)sonMW10SYesYesYesINININYes

Florence May Demerly (nee Carter) Obituary and Family Listing THE LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS. TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1921 (Deaths and Funerals) The funeral services for Florence May Demerly, wife of J. L. Demerly,who died Saturday night, will be held at the residence at 614 Fifteenth street, this afternoon at 1 o'cock. Services will be conducted by the Rev. Kendall with Interment in Round Lake cemetery in Fulton county. Survivors are her husband, J. L. Demerly, three children, Willard age 14, Grace, 11 and Annabelle, 9; parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. James Carter, Grass Creek; five brothers, John Carter, Sheerville, Ind., Thomas, William, Fayette and Merle of Grass Creek, and two sisters, Mrs. Emma Steel, South Whitley, and Nellie Geer of Kewanna.
Frederick Ellsworth Carter Obituary and Family Listing Tuesday, September 29, 1914 Rochester Sentinel - Rochester, Indiana Despondent because his wife had refused to live with him, Fred CARTER, age 22, a son of James CARTER and a well known young man of Kewanna, committed suicide Monday afternoon by shooting himself through the heart. The act took place at the home of his grandfather, J. J. CARTER, who lives in Kewanna. The young man left the family after the dinner hour and went to his room up stairs. After remaining there for a few minutes, he shot himself with a revolver. He was dead before a physician could be summoned. Fred Carter has been married twice and was the father of one child. His first wife passed away several years ago. His second wife left him during the summer and refused to come back. A sister of the deceased committed suicide several years ago by drinking carbolic acid. It is said at the time that the act was caused by a love affair. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of his father near Kewanna. He leaves a father, mother, wife and two sisters.
John L Demerly Jr Obituary and Family Listing LOGANSPORT PHAROS-REPORTER MONDAY, MARCH 4,1918 John Demerly, two-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Demerly, died yesterday morning at 1 o'clock, at the family residence, 614 Fifteenth street. The funeral held from the residence at noon tomorrow, conducted by Rev. Radcliffe of Market M. E. church. Interment will be made in the Blue Grass cemetery.
John L Demerly Obituary and Family Listing John L. Demerly Dies at Age 74 THE LOGANSPORT PRESS, LOGANSPORT, INDIANA WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13,1965 John L. Demerly, 74, of 1522 Smead St., died at 12:40 p.m. Tuesday at St. Joseph Hospital after a lingering illness. Born Aug. 29,1890 in Lafayette, he was the son of Jake and Carline Hebinger Demerly. The retired Pennsylvania Railroad bridge inspector is survived by his wife, Rose; four sons, Wilbert of Dearborn, Mich., and Gerald (Jack), Richard and William all of Logansport; nine grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Two daughters, Avanelle and Norma Jean, and a son, John Jr., preceded him in death. Rites will be at 1:30 p.m. Friday at McCloskey-Hamilton- Kahle Funeral Home with the Rev. Charles Taylor officiating. Burial will be in Grass Creek Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m. today.
Gerald Anderson Demerly Obituary and Family Listing PHAROS-TRIBUNE SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 2001 Gerald A, Demerly Graveside services for Gerald A. Demerly, 91, of Manitowoc, Wis, formerly of Logansport, will be held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday at Mount Calvary Cemetery. He died at 9:56 a.m. Thursday, April 5, 2001, in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Born Feb. 15, 1910, in Grass Creek, he was the son of John and Florence Carter Demerly. On June 28,1934, in Logansport, he was married to Zelma E. Rothermel, who died Nov. 11,1992. Mr. Demerly retired in 1977 from Essex International where he was an inspector. He was a member of the former St Bridget.Church and All Saints Catholic Church in LogansporL Surviving are one daughter, Beverly Elmore, Manitowoc, Wis.; a half-brother, William Demerly; two grandsons, Curt Elmore, Manitowoc, Wis., and Jon Elmore, Decatur, Ala; four granddaughters, Cheryl Fromm, Green Bay, Wis., Elizabeth Hoida, Manitowoc, Wis., Marsha Webster, Scottsdale, Ariz., and Carole Schreiber, Oshkosh, Wis.; and 13 great-grandchildren, Bridget Fromm, Tanya, Trisha, Tracy and Tessa Hoida, Lydia and Hannah Webster, Savannah and Calvin Elmore, Lily and Camille Elmore, and Larissa and Justin Schreiber. Three brothers, one sister and one halfsister also preceded in death. Father Leo Haigerty will officiate at the services.
Richard C Demerly Obituary and Family Listing Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, Indiana, Monday, September 29,1997 Richard C. Demerly Services for Richard C. Demerly, 76, of 1015 Sunset Drive, will be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in Mount Hope Cemetery Chapel. Mr. Demerly died at 8:35 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 28,1997, in Chase Center. Born July 2,1921, in Logansport, he was the son of John and Florence Carter Demerly. On March 12,1953, in Angola, he was married to Lillian A. Morehead, who survives. Mr. Demerly was a veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps, having served Nov. 3, 1942, through Nov. 1,1945, during World War II. An insurance agent, he retired Jan. 1, 1992, from Western-Southern Life Insurance Co. He was a life member of the Veterans of Foreign War. Also surviving are two brothers, Gerald Demerly, Wisconsin, and Bill Demerly, Logansport; several nieces and nephews; several great-nieces and great-nephews; and several great-great-nieces and great-greatnephews. Two brothers and one sister preceded in death. The Rev. Donald Ruhl will officiate at the services-Burial will be in Mount Hope Cemetery. Friends may call from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday in Fisher Funeral Chapel.
Avanell May Purtee (nee Demerly) Obituary and Family Listing Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, Indiana July 30, 1961 Daughter of John L. & Florence M (Carter) Demerly. Wife of William Floyd Purtee. Their marriage was blessed by 4 children: William F. Purtee Jr., Robert Purtee, Sue (Purtee) White & Pat (Purtee) Saluski Her death was caused by brain cancer.