The Shemwell Family

Martin Van Buren JohnsonAge: 27 years18321860

Martin Van Buren Johnson
Given names
Martin Van Buren
Birth December 1832 46 34
Birth of a sisterBelzora Bettzard Johnson
1836 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a sisterBelfame “Bell” Johnson
February 1840 (Age 7 years)
Census June 1, 1840 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherThomas Benton Johnson
about 1842 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a sisterEleanor Jane Johnson
about 1845 (Age 12 years)
Death of a fatherWilliam H Johnson
about 1845 (Age 12 years)
Census December 11, 1850 (Age 18 years)
MarriageEmaline McGeheeView this family
August 4, 1854 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a daughter
Nancy Adeline Johnson
1856 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a daughter
Milley J Johnson
1857 (Age 24 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherOsborn McGehee
June 1857 (Age 24 years)
Shared note: Daughter Anna McGehee Hood Johnson had "boarded and clothed" both Rebecca and Osburn from March 27, 1857 to June 25, 1857. She was paid $55.35 for this service from the estate (Conway Co., Arkansas, Probate Book C, page 317) These records give us an approximate date of death for both Osborn and Rebecca.
Death of a maternal grandmotherRebecca Shemwell
June 1857 (Age 24 years)
Shared note: Daughter Anna McGehee Hood Johnson had "boarded and clothed" both Rebecca and Osburn from March 27, 1857 to June 25, 1857. She was paid $55.35 for this service from the estate (Conway Co., Arkansas, Probate Book C, page 317) These records give us an approximate date of death for both Osborn and Rebecca.
Birth of a son
William Thomas “Tom” Johnson
July 1859 (Age 26 years)
Death September 1860 (Age 27 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1831Missouri, United States
elder sister
3 years
4 years
younger sister
4 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
Thomas Benton Johnson
Birth: about 1842 55 44Missouri, United States
Death: about 1868
4 years
younger sister
Mother’s family with John Hood Sr - View this family
Marriage: April 29, 1816Christian, Kentucky, United States
3 years
2 years
11 years
John Hood Jr
Birth: between 1825 and 1830 38 27Wayne, Missouri, United States
4 years
Family with Emaline McGehee - View this family
Marriage: August 4, 1854Conway, Arkansas, United States
2 years
2 years
Milley J Johnson
Birth: 1857 24 19Union, Conway, Arkansas, United States
Death: before 1870Union, Conway, Arkansas, United States
3 years
James Henry Tilley + Emaline McGehee - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: estimated 1867Conway, Arkansas, United States
14 months
7 years
16 months

Martin Van Buren Johnson has 48 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (48)

Parents John McGehee +
1Robert McGehee18221870
2Epps McGehee18281853
Parents John McGehee + Milly
1Emaline McGehee18371899
4Tennessee McGehee18431918
6Thomas McGehee18481864
Parents Moses Knighton + Martha “Patsey” McGehee
2Plato Knighton18421863
Parents Joseph C Allen + Martha “Patsey” McGehee
1Sarah Ann Allen18261894
Parents John Robert Pruitt + Nancy McGehee
2David Pruitt1844
4Nancy J Pruitt18501929
Parents Joshua Epps + Sarah “Sally” McGehee
1Lucinda Epps18311900
2Joshua Daniel Epps18321920
3William Epps18341889
4John A Epps18351913
5Mary Epps18371863
6Thomas A Epps18381909
7Carroll Estel Epps18391889
8Obadiah R Epps18391899
9Martha Epps18421884
Parents James Madison Daugherty + Eleanor “Nelly” McGehee
3Rebecca Daugherty18381852
Parents George Washington Daugherty + Francis “Fanny” McGehee
Census1840 United States - Census transcript - William H Johnson - Household

Wayne, Missouri, United States

William H Johnsonhead53M53
Anna Hoodwife42F42
Martin Van Buren Johnsonson7M7
John Hood Jrstepson15M15
Ransom Hoodstepson12M12
Belzora Bettzard Johnsondaughter4F4
Belfame “Bell” Johnsondaughter0F0
Margaret Johnsondaughter10F10
Unknown Female #2??15-20F

Census1850 United States - Census transcript - Anna McGehee - Household

Union, Conway, Arkansas

Ann Johnsonhead52FW
Ransom Johnsonson22MW
Van Buren Johnsonson19MW
Belzora Johnsondaughter14FW
Belfame Johnsondaughter10FW
Benton Johnsonson8MW
Jane Johnsondaughter5FW