The Shemwell Family

William “Bill” ShamelAge: 87 years18831970

William “Bill” Shamel
Given names
Birth March 28, 1883 34 23
Birth of a brotherNelson VanBuren Shamel
January 1, 1884 (Age 9 months)
Death of a motherMary Elizabeth Reed
January 26, 1886 (Age 2 years)

Death of a paternal grandfatherJohn Calvin Shamel
April 13, 1888 (Age 5 years)
Census June 1, 1900 (Age 17 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherVirlinda Nelson
October 22, 1906 (Age 23 years)

Census May 6, 1910 (Age 27 years)
MarriageBirdie M HoughView this family
April 16, 1913 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Glennis Bernice Shamel
November 6, 1914 (Age 31 years)
Death of a sisterAlverta “Vertie” Shamel
September 10, 1915 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a son
Lowell William Shamel
March 11, 1916 (Age 32 years)
Census January 3, 1920 (Age 36 years)
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth Lee Shamel
March 6, 1923 (Age 39 years)
Death of a fatherThomas William Shamel
June 28, 1923 (Age 40 years)
Address: Near Competition
Census April 24, 1930 (Age 47 years)
Death of a sisterMyrtle M Shamel
January 27, 1932 (Age 48 years)
Census April 23, 1940 (Age 57 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Dona Lee Webb
November 18, 1944 (Age 61 years)
Death of a brotherNelson VanBuren Shamel
April 10, 1951 (Age 68 years)
Cause: Auto accident
Death July 24, 1970 (Age 87 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Competition Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
elder sister
Alverta “Vertie” Shamel
Birth: March 1877 27 16Missouri, United States
Death: September 10, 1915Pomeroy, Garfield, Washington, United States
2 years
elder sister
4 years
9 months
younger brother
Nelson VanBuren Shamel
Birth: January 1, 1884 34 23Laclede, Missouri, United States
Death: April 10, 1951Lebanon, Laclede, Missouri, United States
Family with Birdie M Hough - View this family
Marriage: April 16, 1913Lebanon, Laclede, Missouri, United States
19 months
16 months
Lowell William Shamel
Birth: March 11, 1916 32 27Laclede, Missouri, United States
Death: September 29, 1998Stuart, Martin, Florida, United States
7 years
Elizabeth Lee Shamel
Birth: March 6, 1923 39 34Missouri, United States
Death: January 12, 2023Rensselaer, Jasper, Indiana, United States

William “Bill” Shamel has 39 first cousins recorded

Mother's family (0)

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Virlinda Nelson - Household

Franklin, Laclede, Missouri

Shamel, VirlindaheadWFJan182476Wd108VAMDVA
Shamel, ThomassonWMMar184951WdKYNCVAFarmer
Shamel, RobertsonWMJun186831SMONCVAGroceryman
Shamel, Virdiagrand daughterWFMar187723SMOKYMO
Shamel, Williamgrand sonWMMar188217SMOKYMOAt School
Shamel, Vangrand sonWMJan188416SMOKYMOAt School
French, IzoradaughterWFFeb186337Wd11MONCVA
French, Earlgrand sonWMJun188713SMOILMOAt School
Filio, DavidservantWMSFarm Laborer

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Thomas William Shamel - Household

Franklin, Laclede, Missouri

Shamel, ThomasheadMW61WdKYNCVAFarmerGeneral Farm
Shamel, WilliamsonMW26SMOKYMOFarm LaborerHome Farm
Shamel, VanburensonMW24SMOKYMOFarm LaborerHome Farm
French, Izorayounger sisterFW47Wd31MONCVA
French, EarlnepherMW22SMOILMOTeacherRural School

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - William Shamel - Household

Franklin, Laclede, Missouri

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Shamel, WilliamheadMW36MMOKYMOFarmerGeneral Farm
Shamel, Birdie MwifeFW31MMOMOMO
Shamel, Lowell WsonMW3-11mSMOMOMO
Shamel, GlennisdaughterFW5SMOMOMO
Shamel, Thomas WfatherMW70WdKYNCVA

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - William Shamel - Household

Franklin, Laclede, Missouri

Shamel, WilliamheadMW42M32MOKYKYFarmerGeneral Farm
Shamel, Birdie MwifeFW48M36MOMOMO
Shamel, Glennis BdaughterFW15SMOMOMO
Shamel, Lowell WsonMW14SMOMOMO
Shamel, ElidaughterFW7SMOMOMO

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - William Shamel - Household

Roads leading to Competition Franklin, Laclede, Missouri

Shamel, WilliamXheadMW58MMOsame houseFarmerFarm
Shamel, BirdiewifeFW51MMO
Shamel, LowellsonMW23SMOFarmerFarm
Shamel, ElizabethdaughterFW17SMO