The Shemwell Family

Lavina Belle BradleyAge: 78 years18621940

Lavina Belle Bradley
Given names
Lavina Belle
Married name
Lavina Belle McKinney
Birth May 15, 1862
Historical Event
American Civil War
between April 1861 and May 1865

Note: In the spring of 1861, tensions between the northern and southern United States over issues including state's right versus federal authority, westward expansion and slavery exploded into the American Civil War -
Historical Event
The Alaska Purchase
1867 (Age 4 years)
Note: The Alaska Purchase was the purchase of 586,412 square miles of new territory by the United States from the Russian Empire (a bargain at two cents an acre) -
Historical Event
Yellow Fever Epidemic
1867 (Age 4 years)
Note: 3,093 perished from yellow fever in New Orleans -
Historical Event
Transcontinental Railroad completed
1869 (Age 6 years)

Note: The First Transcontinental Railroad was a 1,907-mile contiguous railroad line constructed between 1863 and 1869 across the western United States to connect the Pacific coast with the existing Eastern U.S. rail network -
Historical Event
Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878
1878 (Age 15 years)

Note: Over 13,000 deaths occurred from yellow fever in lower Mississippi Valley -
MarriageRobert Commings McKinneyView this family
about 1879 (Age 16 years)
Note: Marriage info based on the birth of their first child
Birth of a son
Paul Burkett McKinney
March 11, 1890 (Age 27 years)
Historical Event
Spanish-American War
between April 1898 and August 1898 (Age 35 years)
Note: The Spanish-American War was a conflict in 1898 between Spain and the United States, the result of American intervention in the Cuban War of Independence -
Census June 18, 1900 (Age 38 years)
Marriage of a childPaul Burkett McKinneyFlorence W BarnettView this family
about 1911 (Age 48 years)
Note: Marriage info based on 1930 Census
Birth of a granddaughter
Pauline Mabel McKinney
January 12, 1913 (Age 50 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Elinore Florence McKinney
November 5, 1914 (Age 52 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Virginia McKinney
May 16, 1916 (Age 54 years)
Historical Event
Polio Epidemic
1916 (Age 53 years)

Note: Over 7,000 deaths and 27,363 cases reported in America's worst polio (infantile paralysis) epidemic -
Birth of a grandson
Robert William McKinney
September 8, 1918 (Age 56 years)
Historical Event
World War I
between 1917 and November 1918 (Age 54 years)

Note: The United States enters 'The Great War' where more than nine million combatants were killed-
Historical Event
Spanish Influenza Epidemic
1918 (Age 55 years)

Note: Spanish Influenza killed over 500,000 people in the United States, and somewhere between 20 and 40 million in what has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in history -
Death of a granddaughterVirginia McKinney
October 25, 1921 (Age 59 years)
Historical Event
The Great Depression
October 1929 (Age 67 years)

Note: The Wall Street Crash sets off the Great Depression, the most severe worldwide economic depression in the 20th century -
Death of a husbandRobert Commings McKinney
November 30, 1931 (Age 69 years)
Death October 21, 1940 (Age 78 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Highland Cemetery
Family with Robert Commings McKinney - View this family
Robert Commings McKinney
Birth: January 20, 1857Pennsylvania, United States
Death: November 30, 1931Iola, Allen, Kansas, United States
Marriage: about 1879Illinois, United States
11 years

No family available

Marriage info based on the birth of their first child
Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Robert Commings McKinney - Household

Iola, Allen, Kansas, United States

McKinney, Robert CheadWMJan185644M20PAPAPAStone Contractor0YesYesYesOMK
McKinney, Vinna VwifeWFMay186238M201010ILKYILYesYesYes
McKinney, Ralph BsonWMAug188019SILPAILClerk Grocery0YesYesYes
McKinney, Mont CsonWMAug188118SILPAILTeamster0YesYesYes
McKinney, RuthdaughterWFJune188316SKSPAILAt School8YesYesYes
McKinney, MauddaughterWFJune188514SKSPAILAt School8YesYesYes
McKinney, MarydaughterWFApril188812SKSPAILAt School8YesYesYes
McKinney, PaulsonWMMar189010SKSPAILAt School8YesYesYes
McKinney, BelledaughterWFMay18928SKSPAILAt School8YesYesYes
McKinney, HellendaughterWFDec18936SKSPAILAt School8YesYesYes
McKinney, EarlsonWMJun18963SKSPAIL
McKinney, DorthadaughterWFNov18981SKSPAIL