The Shemwell Family

Lowry FishAge: 77 years18671944

Lowry Fish
Given names
Birth March 22, 1867
MarriageLeanah HendersonView this family
April 13, 1889 (Age 22 years)
Name: Lowry Fish Sex: Male Spouse's Name: Leanah Henderson Spouse's Sex: Female Event Type: Marriage License Event Date: 13 April 1889 Event Place: Lawrence, Indiana, United States Page Number: 243
Birth of a daughter
Cora Bernice Fish
February 22, 1897 (Age 29 years)
Census June 7, 1900 (Age 33 years)
Marriage of a childValentine Albert CobleCora Bernice FishView this family
June 30, 1920 (Age 53 years)
Name: Valen A Coble Sex: Male Residence Place: New York Birth Date: 29 Sep 1892 Birthplace: Frankfort,Indiana Race: White Father's Name: Albert H Coble Father's Sex: Male Mother's Name: Emma Barnett Mother's Sex: Female Spouse's Name: Cora Bernice Fish Spouse's Sex: Female Spouse's Residence Place: Norman Spouse's Birth Date: 27 Feb 1897 Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 23 Spouse's Birthplace: Norman Station Spouse's Race: White Spouse's Father's Name: Lowry Fish Spouse's Father's Sex: Male Spouse's Mother's Name: Leanah Henderson Officiator's Name: Allen E Chastine Marriage Place: Jackson, Indiana Marriage License Date: 28 Jun 1920 Marriage License Place: Jackson, Indiana, United States Event Type: Marriage License Page: 249 Number of Images: 1
Birth of a grandson
Paul Valen Coble
November 30, 1923 (Age 56 years)
Death of a wifeLeanah Henderson
January 7, 1942 (Age 74 years)
Death July 15, 1944 (Age 77 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Liberty Cemetery
Family with Leanah Henderson - View this family
Lowry Fish
Birth: March 22, 1867Jackson, Indiana, United States
Death: July 15, 1944Norman, Jackson, Indiana, United States
Leanah Henderson
Birth: December 25, 1868Lawrence, Indiana, United States
Death: January 7, 1942Norman, Jackson, Indiana, United States
Marriage: April 13, 1889Lawrence, Indiana, United States
8 years
Cora Bernice Fish
Birth: February 22, 1897 29 28Norman, Jackson, Indiana, United States
Death: May 1983Whiting, Ocean, New Jersey, United States

No family available

MarriageIndiana Marriages, 1811-2019
Name: Lowry Fish Sex: Male Spouse's Name: Leanah Henderson Spouse's Sex: Female Event Type: Marriage License Event Date: 13 April 1889 Event Place: Lawrence, Indiana, United States Page Number: 243
Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Lowry Fish - Household

Owen, Jackson, Indiana, United States

Fish, LowryheadWMMar186832M11ININVAGeneral Merchant0YesYesYesOFF
Fish, LeanahwifeWFDec186931M1133INININYesYesYes
Fish, OphiadaughterWFOct18918SINININ
Fish, LenyelsonWMSep18945SINININ
Fish, Cora BdaughterWFFeb18973SINININ