The Shemwell Family

Bertha M LightAge: 87 years18781966

Bertha M Light
Given names
Bertha M
Married name
Bertha M Hardy
Birth November 30, 1878 25 19
Census June 11, 1880 (Age 18 months)
Death of a paternal grandfatherDavid Light
May 26, 1882 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a sisterMabel Bertha Light
April 27, 1885 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a sisterJessie V Light
January 28, 1890 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a sisterVerna N Light
November 22, 1892 (Age 13 years)
MarriageFrank Victor HardyView this family
December 28, 1898 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a son
Harold F Hardy
November 9, 1899 (Age 20 years)
Census June 4, 1900 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
Herbert Light Hardy
February 19, 1902 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a daughter
Sarah Naomi Hardy
May 13, 1907 (Age 28 years)
Census April 29, 1910 (Age 31 years)
Census January 1, 1920 (Age 41 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherDaniel Bruce
July 19, 1920 (Age 41 years)
Name: Daniel Bruce Sex: Male Age: 84 yr Race: W Event Type: Death Event Date: 19 Jul 1920 Event Place: Union Township, Indiana Birth Year (Estimated): 1836 Affiliate Repository Place: County Clerk Office, City Health Office Rochester Source Reference: The source of this record is the book C-19 on page 48 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
Death of a maternal grandmotherSarah Elizabeth Hizer
October 28, 1921 (Age 42 years)
Death of a fatherWilliam Albert Light
January 3, 1929 (Age 50 years)
Census April 25, 1930 (Age 51 years)
Death of a husbandFrank Victor Hardy
September 16, 1938 (Age 59 years)
Census April 30, 1940 (Age 61 years)
Note: Bertha and her son, Harold, live next door to each other
Death of a sonHarold F Hardy
November 4, 1943 (Age 64 years)
Census April 3, 1950 (Age 71 years)
Death of a motherNaomi Ella Bruce
November 29, 1952 (Age 73 years)
Death of a sisterMabel Bertha Light
June 5, 1956 (Age 77 years)
Bertha Hardy (nee Light) Obituary and Family Listing
October 14, 1966 (Age 87 years)
Death October 15, 1966 (Age 87 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Mount Hope Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Naomi Ella Bruce
Birth: April 15, 1859 22 19Fulton, Indiana, United States
Death: November 29, 1952Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
Marriage: November 1, 1877Pulaski, Indiana, United States
13 months
Bertha M Light
Birth: November 30, 1878 25 19Indiana, United States
Death: October 15, 1966Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
6 years
younger sister
Mabel Bertha Light
Birth: April 27, 1885 32 26Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: June 5, 1956Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
5 years
younger sister
Jessie V Light
Birth: January 28, 1890 36 30Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: December 2, 1971Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
3 years
younger sister
Verna N Light
Birth: November 22, 1892 39 33Indiana, United States
Death: February 24, 1988Indiana, United States
Family with Frank Victor Hardy - View this family
Frank Victor Hardy
Birth: August 28, 1876 27 27Indiana, United States
Death: September 16, 1938Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
Bertha M Light
Birth: November 30, 1878 25 19Indiana, United States
Death: October 15, 1966Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
Marriage: December 28, 1898Cass, Indiana, United States
10 months
Harold F Hardy
Birth: November 9, 1899 23 20Noble, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: November 4, 1943Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
2 years
Herbert Light Hardy
Birth: February 19, 1902 25 23Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: April 27, 1973Indiana, United States
5 years
Sarah Naomi Hardy
Birth: May 13, 1907 30 28Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: March 15, 2002Indiana, United States

Bertha M Light has 9 first cousins recorded

Census1880 United States - Census transcript - William Albert Light - Household

Tippecanoe, Pulaski, Indiana, United States

Light, AlbertWM27headMFarmerINPAPA
Light, Naomi EWF21wifeMKeeping HouseINPAIN
Light, Bertha MWF1daughterSAt HomeIN

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Frank Victor Hardy - Household

Noble, Cass, Indiana, United States

Hardy, Frank VheadWMSept187624M1INININFarmer0YesYesYesRF
Hardy, BerthawifeWFNov187920M111INININYesYesYes
Hardy, HaroldsonWMDec18990 years 5 monthsSINININNoNoNo

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Frank Victor Hardy - Household

Noble, Cass, Indiana, United States

Hardy, Frank VheadMW33M11INININEnglishFarmerGeneralOAYesYesOMF
Hardy, BerthawifeFW31M1133INININEnglishNoneYesYes
Hardy, HaroldsonMW10SINININEnglishNoneYesYesYes
Hardy, HerbertsonMW8SINININEnglishNoneYesYesYes
Hardy, Sarah NaomidaughterFW2 years 11 monthsSINININEnglishNone

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - Frank Victor Hardy - Household

Frank Hardy and Harold Hardy families live next door to each other Noble, Cass, Indiana, United States

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Hardy, FrankheadOFMW43MYesYesINININFarmerGeneralOA
Hardy, BerthawifeFW41MYesYesINININNone
Hardy, HerbertsonMW17SYesYesYesINININNone
Hardy, SarahdaughterFW12SYesYesYesINININNone
Hardy, HaroldsonRMW20MNoYesYesINININLaborOn FarmW
Hardy, Marthadaughter-in-lawFW20MNoYesYesINGermanyGermanINNone

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Frank Victor Hardy - Household

Noble, Cass, Indiana, United States

Hardy, Frank VheadRRYesMW53M22INININFarmerGrainO
Hardy, Bertha MwifeFW51M19INININNone
Hardy, SarahmotherFW81Wd24INOHOHInfirm

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Bertha M Light - Household

Noble, Cass, Indiana, United States

Hardy, Bertha MheadO1200YesFW61WdNoIN00
Hardy, HaroldsonO1200YesMW40MNoINFarmerFarmingO00
Hardy, Marthadaughter-in-lawFW40MNoIN00
Hardy, Donaldgrand-sonMW17SNoIN00
Hardy, Wilmagrand-daughterFW12SNoIN

Bertha and her son, Harold, live next door to each other
Census1950 United States - Census transcript - Bertha M Light - Household

Eel, Cass, Indiana, United States

NameRelationSexRaceAgeCondBPNatDoing last weekHours WorkedOccupationIndustryClass
Hardy, BerthaheadFW71WdINH
Jones, MinnieauntFW82WdINH

Bertha Hardy (nee Light) Obituary and Family Listing Friday, October 14, 1966 - Logansport Pharos-Tribune Bertha Hardy, 87, Claimed By Death Mrs. Bertha M. Hardy, 87,1001 Helm St., died Friday morning. She was a member of Shiloh Christian church. Born Nov. 30, 1878, in Pulaski county, she was the daughter of William Albert and Ella Bruce Light. Her husband, Frank V Hardy, died Sept. 16,1938. Survivors include a son, Herbert, route 6; a daughter, Mrs. Neoma Robison, route 1, Burnettsville; two sisters, Mrs. Jessie Eikelberner and Mrs. Verna Eikelberner, both of route 1; seven grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. A son; Harold, died in 1943. Services will be at 1 p.m. Monday at the Fisher funeral home. The Rev. Raymond Skelton will officiate and burial will be in Mt. Hope cemetery. Friends may call after 7 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home.
Jessie V Eikelberner (nee Light) Obituary and Family Listing Death Claims Ex- Teacher Mrs. Jessie V. Elkelberner, 81, Rt. 1, Logansport, a former teacher in Noble Township Schools, died at 6:15 p.m. Thurs- day at Memorial Hospital. Born Jan. 28, 1890, in Cass County, she was the daughter of W. A. and Ella Bruce Light. She was a life-long member of Shiloh United Church of Christ and 2 charter member and sec- ond president of the first Cass County Homemakers’ Club. Her marriage was Aug. ‘1, 1912, to Glen Eikelberner who died in June, 1948. Surviving are one son, Wil- liam, and one Sister, Mrs. Verna Eikelberner, Rt. 1; seven grand- children; and 11 great-grand- children. One daughter, Mrs. Lucille Sanders, and two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Hardy and Mrs. Mabel Neff, preceded her in death. Funeral services will be con- ducted at 10:30 a.m. Monday at McCloskey-Hamilton-Kahie Fu- neral Home with the Rev. Ray- mond Jones officiating. Burial will be in Shiloh Cemetery. Friends may cali at the funeral home after 5 p.m. Saturday.