The Shemwell Family

Effie Cara ThomasAge: 58 years18681927

Effie Cara Thomas
Given names
Effie Cara
Married name
Effie Cara Eikelberner
Birth May 1868
Historical Event
Transcontinental Railroad completed
1869 (Age 8 months)

Note: The First Transcontinental Railroad was a 1,907-mile contiguous railroad line constructed between 1863 and 1869 across the western United States to connect the Pacific coast with the existing Eastern U.S. rail network -
Historical Event
Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878
1878 (Age 9 years)

Note: Over 13,000 deaths occurred from yellow fever in lower Mississippi Valley -
MarriageWilliam Morton EikelbernerView this family
November 3, 1887 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a son
Ray Emerson Eikelberner
October 20, 1888 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a son
Glen Homer Eikelberner
February 6, 1891 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a son
Fred Sutton Eikelberner
March 26, 1893 (Age 24 years)
Historical Event
Spanish-American War
between April 1898 and August 1898 (Age 29 years)
Note: The Spanish-American War was a conflict in 1898 between Spain and the United States, the result of American intervention in the Cuban War of Independence -
Census June 19, 1900 (Age 32 years)
Marriage of a childRay Emerson EikelbernerClara Wilhemina MillerView this family
April 27, 1909 (Age 40 years)
Birth of a grandson
William Augustus Eikelberner
February 4, 1911 (Age 42 years)
Birth of a grandson
William Augustus Eikelberner
February 4, 1911 (Age 42 years)
Marriage of a childGlen Homer EikelbernerJessie V LightView this family
August 21, 1912 (Age 44 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Lucille Margaret Eikelberner
October 28, 1914 (Age 46 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Lucille Margaret Eikelberner
October 28, 1914 (Age 46 years)
Historical Event
Polio Epidemic
1916 (Age 47 years)

Note: Over 7,000 deaths and 27,363 cases reported in America's worst polio (infantile paralysis) epidemic -
Historical Event
World War I
between 1917 and November 1918 (Age 48 years)

Note: The United States enters 'The Great War' where more than nine million combatants were killed-
Historical Event
Spanish Influenza Epidemic
1918 (Age 49 years)

Note: Spanish Influenza killed over 500,000 people in the United States, and somewhere between 20 and 40 million in what has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in history -
Death 1927 (Age 58 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Mount Hope Cemetery
Family with William Morton Eikelberner - View this family
Marriage: November 3, 1887Cass, Indiana, United States
3 years
Glen Homer Eikelberner
Birth: February 6, 1891 27 22Harrison, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: June 15, 1948Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States
2 years
Fred Sutton Eikelberner
Birth: March 26, 1893 29 24Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: October 1, 1962Indiana, United States
-4 years
Ray Emerson Eikelberner
Birth: October 20, 1888 25 20Lucerne, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: July 9, 1973Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States

No family available

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - William Morton Eikelberner - Household

Noble, Cass, Indiana, United States

Eikelberner, WilliamheadWMMay186337M12INPAPAFarmer0YesYesYesRF
Eikelberner, Effie CwifeWFMay186832M1255INPAINYesYesYes
Eikelberner, Ray EsonWMOct188811SINININAt School7YesYesYes
Eikelberner, Glenn HsonWMFeb18919SINININAt School7YesYesYes
Eikelberner, Fred SsonWMMar18937SINININAt School7YesYesYes
Eikelberner, William HsonWMFeb18955SINININ