The Shemwell Family

Fred Eugene SchlegelAge: 77 years19412019

Fred Eugene Schlegel
Given names
Fred Eugene
Birth July 24, 1941 31 31
Death of a maternal grandmotherLillian May Foster
January 2, 1947 (Age 5 years)
Census April 7, 1950 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a brotherLouis Theodore Schlegel
April 26, 1951 (Age 9 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherOtto James Bruce
December 30, 1954 (Age 13 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMargaret Anna Steaudel
January 23, 1962 (Age 20 years)
Death of a brotherJames Bruce Schlegel
August 15, 1992 (Age 51 years)
Death of a fatherFrederick George Schlegel
August 6, 1996 (Age 55 years)
Death of a motherDorothy Louise Bruce
February 13, 2001 (Age 59 years)
Death of a brotherLouis Theodore Schlegel
May 25, 2008 (Age 66 years)
Death May 27, 2019 (Age 77 years)
Fred E Schlegel Obituary and Family Listing
June 9, 2019 (13 days after death)

Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Burial Details Unknown
Family with parents - View this family
Frederick George Schlegel
Birth: December 16, 1909 33 35Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, United States
Death: August 6, 1996Carmel, Hamilton, Indiana, United States
Dorothy Louise Bruce
Birth: February 16, 1910 39 37Crown Point, Lake, Indiana, United States
Death: February 13, 2001Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, United States
Marriage: September 30, 1934Marion, Indiana, United States
5 years
elder brother
James Bruce Schlegel
Birth: April 9, 1939 29 29Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, United States
Death: August 15, 1992Indiana, United States
2 years
Fred Eugene Schlegel
Birth: July 24, 1941 31 31Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, United States
Death: May 27, 2019Altadena, Los Angeles, California, United States
10 years
younger brother
Louis Theodore Schlegel
Birth: April 26, 1951 41 41Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, United States
Death: May 25, 2008Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware, United States

Fred Eugene Schlegel has 6 first cousins recorded

Census1950 United States - Census transcript - Frederick George Schlegel - Household

Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, United States

NameRelationSexRaceAgeCondBPNatDoing last weekHours WorkedOccupationIndustryClass
Schlegel, Fred GheadMW40MarINWK40SalesmanLife InsuranceP
Schlegel, Dorothy LwifeFW40MarINH
Schlegel, Bruce JsonMW10NevIN
Schlegel, Fred EsonMW8NevIN

Fred E Schlegel Obituary and Family Listing Fred E. Schlegel died on Memorial Day, May 27th at his home in Altadena, California. Fred was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, on July 24, 1941, to Dorothy and Bruce Schlegel [should be to Fred and Dorothy Bruce Schlegel]. He attended Broad Ripple High School where he was editor of the school newspaper, graduated from Northwestern University with honors, and received his JD with distinction from the University of Michigan Law School. Chair of the Indiana State Bar Association's Utility Law Section in the 1990s, Fred practiced with Faegre Baker Daniels for 50 years. A lover of the arts and sports, Fred was an outstanding leader in the Indianapolis community. Governor Otis Bowen honored him with a Sagamore of the Wabash award in 1975. He served as chair of the board of directors and member of the board of trustees for the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, was president of the board of Early Music Indy; and served as a member of the board of directors of the Indiana Repertory Theatre and the Arts Council of Indianapolis. Fred was also treasurer of the board of Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky. Fred had an enduring love for sports. He served as a clubhouse boy for the Indianapolis Indians in the 1950's, played baseball at both the high school and college level, and enjoyed nearly 50 years on the tennis court. Fred will be greatly missed by his wife of 53 years, Jane, and his son Charles (Mindy), daughter Alexandra Alderman (John), and son-in-law Burt Hara. Eight grandchildren survive him: Nick (Marcos), Mayumi, Madeleine, Daniel, Olivia, Lucy, Adeline, and Ash. His daughter Julia Hara predeceased him as did his brothers Bruce and Louis. A service in remembrance of Fred Schlegel will be held at Trinity Episcopal Church on June 29th at 4PM, 3243 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis. Published in The Indianapolis Star on Jun. 9, 2019.
Louis T Schlegel Obituary and Family Listing LOUIS SCHLEGEL Obituary Louis T. Schlegel Age 57, of Wilmington, DE, passed away Sunday, May 25, 2008, at home after a prolonged illness. Lou was born in Indianapolis, IN on April 26, 1951 to the late Dorothy Bruce Schlegel and her husband, Fred G. Schlegel. Lou was a graduate of Broad Ripple High School in Indianapolis. He graduated from Purdue University where he received a BS in Chemistry and Science and a MS in Industrial Administration. He was President of Schlegel Associates Inc., an Analytical Chemical Instrumentation Company. Lou was an avid and active member of the Purdue Alumni Association. He was a passionate Purdue sports fan, always hopeful of a Rose Bowl win. He belonged to the US Tennis Association and every chance he got he was on the tennis court fine tuning his skills. Lou was a faithful member of Concord Presbyterian Church where he served as an Elder, Trustee, and Deacon. He taught Senior High Sunday School and was active with youth groups and in welcoming new members. He was a loving husband, father, and a friend to all who knew him. Lou was preceded in death by his brother, James Bruce Schlegel. He is survived by his wife of 25 years, Carol and daughter, Carolou of Wilmington, DE; brother, Fred E. Schlegel of Indianapolis, IN; numerous nieces, nephews, great nieces and a great nephew. A Memorial Service will be held at 11 am, on Saturday, June 14, at Concord Presbyterian Church, 1800 Fairfax Blvd., Wilmington, DE 19803. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in Lou's memory to Concord Presbyterian Church; or Delaware Hospice Inc., 3515 Silverside Rd., Wilmington, DE 19803. Arrangements by McCRERY FUNERAL HOMES
Dorothy Schlegel (nee Bruce) Obituary and Family Listing Dorothy Schlegel Obituary Published by Flanner Buchanan - Market Street on Feb. 13, 2001. MRS. DOROTHY BRUCE SCHLEGEL, a resident of Indianapolis, died February 13. She was born in Crown Point, Indiana on February 16, 1910. Mrs. Schlegel was a graduate of Crown Point High School and Butler University. She was married to Fred G. Schlegel until his death in 1996. Mrs. Schlegel was active in a number of volunteer organizations, including the White Cross guild of Methodist Hospital, Tri Kappa (a college women's service organization), and Northminster Presbyterian Church, where she and her husband were founding members, in 1945. Mrs. Schlegel worked many years in the bookstores of Broad Ripple High School and IUPUI, at its Purdue Campus. She was the mother of three sons, J. Bruce who preceded both his parents in 1994, Fred who resides in Indianapolis, and Louis, who resides in Wilmington, Delaware. Mrs. Schlegel is survived also by a sister Carol Martin Dyer and five grandchildren, Julia Hara, Natasha Raymond and Charles, Alexandra and Carolou Schlegel. A memorial service will be held at 2:oo pm, Friday, Feb. 16, at the Washington Park North Mortuary, with calling 1 hour prior to service. The family requests that any memorial gifts be made in Mrs. Schlegel's memory to the Festival Music Society, the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra or Northminster Presbyterian Church. Entombment will be at Washington Park North Cemetery. To plant trees in memory, please visit the Sympathy Store.