Harry Milton CombsAge: 87 years1911–1998
- Name
- Harry Milton Combs
- Given names
- Harry Milton
- Surname
- Combs
Birth | April 15, 1911 |
Marriage | Martha Jean “Tootsie” Daugherty — View this family December 11, 1930 (Age 19 years) |
Death of a wife | Martha Jean “Tootsie” Daugherty April 11, 1993 (Age 81 years) |
Death | November 28, 1998 (Age 87 years) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Abilene Municipal Cemetery |
Family with Martha Jean “Tootsie” Daugherty |
himself |
Harry Milton Combs Birth: April 15, 1911 — Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, United States Death: November 28, 1998 — Texas, United States |
wife |
Martha Jean “Tootsie” Daugherty Birth: January 1, 1913 28 21 — Dallas, Texas, United States Death: April 11, 1993 — Abilene, Taylor, Texas, United States |
Marriage: December 11, 1930 — Abilene, Taylor, Texas, United States |