Carolyn Jo “Jody” DelaneyAge: 48 years1949–1998
- Name
- Carolyn Jo “Jody” Delaney
- Given names
- Carolyn Jo
- Surname
- Delaney
- Married name
- Carolyn Jo Coffman
- Nickname
- Jody
Birth | September 4, 1949 26 27 |
Census | April 11, 1950 (Age 7 months) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Luther Cashman Shemwell August 16, 1972 (Age 22 years) |
Death of a father | Harley “Red” Delaney Jr March 1985 (Age 35 years) |
Death of a mother | Martha Ellen Shemwell September 1, 1993 (Age 43 years) |
Death | January 22, 1998 (Age 48 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Harley “Red” Delaney Jr Birth: June 6, 1923 — Centralia, Marion, Illinois, United States Death: March 1985 |
mother |
Martha Ellen Shemwell Birth: March 5, 1922 32 30 — Cairo, Alexander, Illinois, United States Death: September 1, 1993 — Cairo, Alexander, Illinois, United States |
sister |
Private |
herself |
Carolyn Jo “Jody” Delaney Birth: September 4, 1949 26 27 — Cairo, Alexander, Illinois, United States Death: January 22, 1998 |
Family with Private |
husband |
Private |
herself |
Carolyn Jo “Jody” Delaney Birth: September 4, 1949 26 27 — Cairo, Alexander, Illinois, United States Death: January 22, 1998 |
daughter |
Private |
son |
Private |