Rene Lynn SouleAge: 66 years1955–2022
- Name
- Rene Lynn Soule
- Given names
- Rene Lynn
- Surname
- Soule
Birth | November 16, 1955 46 37 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Floyd Charles Soule August 18, 1958 (Age 2 years) Text: Name: Floyd C Soule
Sex: Male
Age: 79
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 18 Aug 1958
Event Place: Cicero, Onondaga, New York
File Number: 56508
Birth Year (Estimated): 1879 |
Death of a father | Charles Tallman Soule March 22, 1959 (Age 3 years) |
Marriage of a parent | David Henry Mann Jr — Mary Victory Loxterman — View this family after 1959 (Age 3 years) Note: Marriage info based on the death of her first husband, Charles Soule. |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Pearl Ida Troutman October 1, 1970 (Age 14 years) |
Death of a mother | Mary Victory Loxterman July 4, 1997 (Age 41 years) |
Death | November 11, 2022 (Age 66 years) |
Obituary | Rene Lynn Soule Obituary and Family Listing November 12, 2022 (1 day after death) |
Family with parents |
father |
Charles Tallman Soule Birth: September 16, 1909 30 21 — New York, United States Death: March 22, 1959 — Contra Costa, California, United States |
mother |
Mary Victory Loxterman Birth: November 12, 1918 49 25 — Missouri, United States Death: July 4, 1997 — Concord, Contra Costa, California, United States |
sister |
Private |
sister |
Private |
herself |
Rene Lynn Soule Birth: November 16, 1955 46 37 — Martinez, Contra Costa, California, United States Death: November 11, 2022 — Sacramento, Sacramento, California, United States |
brother |
Private |
Mother’s family with David Henry Mann Jr |
step-father |
David Henry Mann Jr Birth: August 4, 1925 — Alameda, California, United States Death: March 14, 1984 — Concord, Contra Costa, California, United States |
mother |
Mary Victory Loxterman Birth: November 12, 1918 49 25 — Missouri, United States Death: July 4, 1997 — Concord, Contra Costa, California, United States |
Marriage: after 1959 — California, United States |
Rene Lynn Soule has 12 first cousins recorded
Father's family (0)
Mother's family (12)
Parents Emil Orrica Kaserman Sr + Dorothy L Loxterman
Parents Arnold Joseph “Oxie” Loxterman + Helen LaRue Sears
Parents Lester Duncan Sullivan + Lola Monteze Loxterman
Parents Harold Wendel Loxterman + Private