The Shemwell Family

John PughAge: 77 years18011878

John Pugh
Given names
Birth August 8, 1801
MarriageSarah GardView this family
August 16, 1824 (Age 23 years)
Name: John Pugh Sex: Male Father's Name: John Pugh Father's Sex: Male Spouse's Name: Sarah Guard Spouse's Sex: Female Spouse's Father's Name: Samuel Guard Spouse's Father's Sex: Male Event Type: Marriage Event Date: 16 August 1824 Event Place: Hampshire, West Virginia, United States Event Place (Original): West Virginia, United States
Birth of a son
John Amon Pugh
November 5, 1836 (Age 35 years)
Census July 16, 1850 (Age 48 years)
Marriage of a childJohn Amon PughAlvira BaxterView this family
about 1860 (Age 58 years)
Note: Marriage info based on the birth of their first child
Birth of a grandson
Edward Alpheus Pugh
June 28, 1861 (Age 59 years)
Death of a wifeSarah Gard
November 7, 1878 (Age 77 years)
Death November 24, 1878 (Age 77 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Grandview Cemetery
Family with Sarah Gard - View this family
John Pugh
Birth: August 8, 1801Virginia, United States
Death: November 24, 1878Sidney, Fremont, Iowa, United States
Sarah Gard
Birth: November 1, 1805Hampshire, Virginia, United States
Death: November 7, 1878Sidney, Fremont, Iowa, United States
Marriage: August 16, 1824Hampshire, West Virginia, United States
12 years
John Amon Pugh
Birth: November 5, 1836 35 31Indiana, United States
Death: September 28, 1928Dade, Missouri, United States

No family available

MarriageWest Virginia, County Marriage Records, 1776-1971
Name: John Pugh Sex: Male Father's Name: John Pugh Father's Sex: Male Spouse's Name: Sarah Guard Spouse's Sex: Female Spouse's Father's Name: Samuel Guard Spouse's Father's Sex: Male Event Type: Marriage Event Date: 16 August 1824 Event Place: Hampshire, West Virginia, United States Event Place (Original): West Virginia, United States
Census1850 United States - Census transcript - John Pugh - Household

Franklin, Marion, Indiana, United States

John Pughhead48MWFarmer1400VA
Sarah Pughwife44FWVA
Jonathan J Pughson19MWFarmerOHx
John A Pughson13MWOHx
Susan E Pughdaughter16FWIN
Madison L Pughson11MWOHx
Mary E Pughdaughter9FWINx
Thomas J Pughson6MWINx
Rebecca A Pughdaughteroyears 7 monthsFWIN