The Shemwell Family

Martha Ellen “Mattie” CowanAge: 99 years18641964

Martha Ellen “Mattie” Cowan
Given names
Martha Ellen
Married name
Martha Ellen Pugh
Birth June 1, 1864 32 24
Census June 25, 1870 (Age 6 years)
MarriageEdward Alpheus PughView this family
January 26, 1887 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a son
Earl Wayne Pugh
February 19, 1888 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a daughter
Winnie Lee Pugh
January 9, 1890 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
Ruth Ellen Pugh
June 9, 1892 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a son
John Jay Pugh
December 11, 1894 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Inez May Pugh
May 28, 1897 (Age 32 years)
Death of a fatherJohn Cowan
March 1, 1900 (Age 35 years)
Census June 9, 1900 (Age 36 years)
Birth of a son
Leon Edward Pugh
August 24, 1900 (Age 36 years)
Birth of a son
Travis Cowan Pugh
March 20, 1903 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a son
George Pugh
June 3, 1907 (Age 43 years)
Census April 20, 1910 (Age 45 years)
Marriage of a childEarl Wayne PughMary Belle JohnsonView this family
June 25, 1913 (Age 49 years)
Birth of a grandson
Robert Johnson Pugh
March 23, 1914 (Age 49 years)
Birth of a grandson
William Edward Pugh
December 26, 1915 (Age 51 years)
Marriage of a childJohn Jay PughMattie ChandlerView this family
December 23, 1916 (Age 52 years)
Note: Marriage info found on FAG site
Birth of a granddaughter
Martha Jane Pugh
August 12, 1917 (Age 53 years)
Marriage of a childJames Rex JohnsonRuth Ellen PughView this family
June 8, 1918 (Age 54 years)
Death of a husbandEdward Alpheus Pugh
November 18, 1919 (Age 55 years)
Census January 3, 1920 (Age 55 years)
Marriage of a childTravis Cowan PughEdna Dallas HolmesView this family
June 23, 1923 (Age 59 years)
Birth of a grandson
George Edward Pugh
December 30, 1923 (Age 59 years)
Death of a motherNancy Minerva Potter
July 4, 1925 (Age 61 years)
Marriage of a childLeon Edward PughLois Louise BruckView this family
February 12, 1927 (Age 62 years)
Death of a sonTravis Cowan Pugh
March 7, 1930 (Age 65 years)
Census April 10, 1930 (Age 65 years)
Birth of a grandson
James Edward Pugh
December 25, 1936 (Age 72 years)
Census April 11, 1940 (Age 75 years)
Marriage of a childGeorge PughJulia Vivian WilliamsView this family
March 11, 1948 (Age 83 years)
Census April 8, 1950 (Age 85 years)
Death of a grandsonWilliam Edward Pugh
September 4, 1958 (Age 94 years)
Death of a daughterRuth Ellen Pugh
March 3, 1961 (Age 96 years)
Death of a sonJohn Jay Pugh
November 14, 1961 (Age 97 years)
Name: John J Pugh Birth Date: 11 Dec 1894 Birthplace: Missouri Father's Name: Edward Pugh Father's Sex: Male Father's Birthplace: Iowa Mother's Name: Mattie E Cameron Mother's Sex: Female Mother's Birthplace: Missouri Event Type: Death Event Date: 14 Nov 1961 Event Place: Boise, Ada, Idaho, United States Event Place (Original): BOISE, ADA, Idaho Certificate Number: 004450 Certificate Year: 1961
Death April 13, 1964 (Age 99 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Mount Vernon IOOF Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
John Cowan
Birth: May 2, 1832Bristol, Sullivan, Tennessee, United States
Death: March 1, 1900Dade, Missouri, United States
Nancy Minerva Potter
Birth: April 4, 1840Polk, Missouri, United States
Death: July 4, 1925Polk, Missouri, United States
Marriage: September 16, 1858Polk, Missouri, United States
6 years
Family with Edward Alpheus Pugh - View this family
Marriage: January 26, 1887Dade, Missouri, United States
13 months
Earl Wayne Pugh
Birth: February 19, 1888 26 23Dade, Missouri, United States
Death: November 4, 1967Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States
23 months
Winnie Lee Pugh
Birth: January 9, 1890 28 25Golden City, Barton, Missouri, United States
Death: January 20, 1978Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States
2 years
Ruth Ellen Pugh
Birth: June 9, 1892 30 28Golden City, Barton, Missouri, United States
Death: March 3, 1961Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States
3 years
John Jay Pugh
Birth: December 11, 1894 33 30Aldrich, Polk, Missouri, United States
Death: November 14, 1961Boise, Ada, Idaho, United States
3 years
Inez May Pugh
Birth: May 28, 1897 35 32Urich, Henry, Missouri, United States
Death: May 11, 1973Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States
3 years
Leon Edward Pugh
Birth: August 24, 1900 39 36Humansville, Polk, Missouri, United States
Death: October 3, 1975Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States
3 years
Travis Cowan Pugh
Birth: March 20, 1903 41 38Eudora, Polk, Missouri, United States
Death: March 7, 1930Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri, United States
4 years
George Pugh
Birth: June 3, 1907 45 43Lawrence, Missouri, United States
Death: March 12, 1972Arizona, United States

Martha Ellen “Mattie” Cowan has 0 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (0)

DeathMissouri State Board of Health - Bureau of Vital Statistics
Census1870 United States - Census transcript - John Cowan - Household

Morgan, Dade, Missouri, United States

Cowan, Johnhead36MWFarmer4400870TN
Cowan, Nancywife27FWKeeping HouseMO
Cowan, Andrewson10MWAttending SchoolMOx
Cowan, Jessieson8MWMO
Cowan, Marthadaughter6FWMO
Cowan, Lucianson4MWMO
Cowan, Robertson0 years 6 monthsMWMO

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Edward Alpheus Pugh - Household

Blairstown, Henry, Missouri, United States

Pugh, Edward AheadWMJun186138M13IAINMOHardware0YesYesYesRH
Pugh, Mattie EwifeWFJun186534M1355MOTNMOYesYesYes
Pugh, Earl WsonWMFeb188812SMOIAMOAt School7YesYesYes
Pugh, Winnie DdaughterWFJan189010SMOIAMOAt School7YesYesYes
Pugh, RuthdaughterWFJun18927SMOIAMOAT School7YesYesYes
Pugh, JohnsonWMDec18945SMOIAMO
Pugh, InezdaughterWFMay18973SMOIAMO

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Edward Alpheus Pugh - Household

Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri, United States

Pugh, Edward AheadMW49M23IAINMOEnglishBuyerWheat ElevatorWNo2YesYesRH
Pugh, Mattie EwifeFW49M2388MOTNMOEnglishNoneYesYes
Pugh, Earl WsonMW22SMOIAMOEnglishNoneYesYes
Pugh, Winnie LdaughterFW20SMOIAMOEnglishNoneYesYesYes
Pugh, Ruth CdaughterFW17SMOIAMOEnglishNoneYesYesYes
Pugh, John JsonMW15SMOIAMOEnglishJanitorSchool BuildingWNo0YesYesYes
Pugh, Inez MdaughterFW12SMOIAMOEnglishNoneYesYesYes
Pugh, Leon EsonMW10SMOIAMOEnglishNoneYesYesYes
Pugh, Travis CsonMW7SMOIAMONoneYes
Pugh, GeorgesonMW2SMOIAMONone
Pugh, John AfatherMW73Wd50INVAMOEnglishLaborerOdd JobsWYes20YesYes

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - Martha Ellen “Mattie” Cowan - Household

Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri, United States

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Pugh, Mattie EheadRFW55WdYesYesMOTNMOYesNone
Pugh, Winnie LdaughterFW29SYesYesMOIAMOYesTeacherHigh SchoolW
Pugh, Inez MdaughterFW22SYesYesMOIAMOYesTeacherGrade SchoolW
Pugh, Leon EsonMW19SYesYesYesMOIAMOYesNone
Pugh, Travis CsonMW16SYesYesMOIAMOYesManagerGrain ElevatorW
Pugh, GeorgesonMW12SYesYesYesMOIAMOYesNone
Pugh, John AMW83WdYesYesINUnited StatesUnited StatesYesNone

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Martha Ellen “Mattie” Cowan - Household

Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri, United States

Pugh, Mattie EheadO1300NoFW65Wd22NoYesMOTNMOYesNone
Pugh, Winnie LdaughterFW40SNoYesMOIAMOYesTeacherPublic SchoolWYes
Pugh, GeorgesonMW22SNoYesMOIAMOYesLaborerMill and ElevatorWNo

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Martha Ellen “Mattie” Cowan - Household

Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri, United States

Pugh, Mattie ExheadO500NoFW75WdMOHousewifeNP00
Pugh, WinniedaughterFW51SMOTeacherSchoolsPW36960
Pugh, GeorgesonMW33SMOLaborerPW12180
Pugh, Geo Edwardgrand-sonMW16SMOHS Student00

Census1950 United States - Census transcript - Martha Ellen “Mattie” Cowan - Household

Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri, United States

NameRelationSexRaceAgeCondBPNatDoing last weekHours WorkedOccupationIndustryClass
Pugh, Mattie EheadFW85WdMOOT
Pugh, Winnie LdaughterFW60NevMOWK40TeachingPublic School

William Edward Pugh Obituary and Family Listing William Edward Pugh, 42, ex- tension animal husbandry special- ist for the University of Missouri, collapsed and died Thursday while judging livestock at West Plains. Pugh, apparently the victim of a heart attack, was a judge at the Howell County Heart of the Ozarks Fair. He was pronounced dead on arrival at a hospital. Pugh grew up in Mt. Vernon and was graduated from the Uni- versity of Missouri College of Agriculture in 1937. He worked for the Farm Security Administration until 1942. He became Monroe County farm agent Nov. 1. 1942. and continued in that post until 1951, except for two years of serv- ice in the Navy from 1944 to 1945. He joined the state staff of the extension service at Columbia in 1951. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pugh. 1000 East Loren; his wife, Sue, a daughter, Nancy, and a son, Robert: a broth- er, Col. Robert Pugh, Morristown, N.J.; and his paternal grandmother, Mrs. Mattie Pugh, Mt. Vernon. Services are to be Saturday at 12:30 p.m. in Columbia.