The Shemwell Family

Mary Belle JohnsonAge: 75 years18911967

Mary Belle Johnson
Given names
Mary Belle
Married name
Mary Belle Pugh
Birth July 22, 1891 44 40
Census June 8, 1900 (Age 8 years)
Death of a fatherWilliam H Johnson
1909 (Age 17 years)
MarriageEarl Wayne PughView this family
June 25, 1913 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
Robert Johnson Pugh
March 23, 1914 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a son
William Edward Pugh
December 26, 1915 (Age 24 years)
Census January 13, 1920 (Age 28 years)
Census April 3, 1930 (Age 38 years)
Death of a motherAnnie Roots George
June 18, 1930 (Age 38 years)
Name: Annie Roots Johnson Sex: Female Age: 78 Birth Date: 18 Jul 1851 Birthplace: , Missouri Burial Date: 19 Jun 1930 Burial Place: Mt Vernon, Missouri Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Father's Name: Chas George Father's Sex: Male Mother's Name: Sarah Pendleton Gardner Mother's Sex: Female Informant's Name: R J Turrentine Funeral Officiator: John B Schmitz Event Type: Death Event Date: 18 Jun 1930 Event Place: Denton, Denton, Texas, United States Event Place (Original): Denton, Denton Certificate Number: 28487
Census April 12, 1940 (Age 48 years)
Census April 10, 1950 (Age 58 years)
Death of a sonWilliam Edward Pugh
September 4, 1958 (Age 67 years)
Death June 9, 1967 (Age 75 years)
Mary Pugh (nee Johnson) Obituary and Family Listing
June 10, 1967 (1 day after death)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Mount Vernon IOOF Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Annie Roots George
Birth: July 18, 1851Missouri, United States
Death: June 18, 1930Denton, Denton, Texas, United States
Marriage: March 12, 1871Lawrence, Missouri, United States
20 years
Mary Belle Johnson
Birth: July 22, 1891 44 40Randolph, Missouri, United States
Death: June 9, 1967Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States
Family with Earl Wayne Pugh - View this family
Earl Wayne Pugh
Birth: February 19, 1888 26 23Dade, Missouri, United States
Death: November 4, 1967Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States
Mary Belle Johnson
Birth: July 22, 1891 44 40Randolph, Missouri, United States
Death: June 9, 1967Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States
Marriage: June 25, 1913Lawrence, Missouri, United States
9 months
Robert Johnson Pugh
Birth: March 23, 1914 26 22Missouri, United States
Death: April 2, 1992Lee, Florida, United States
21 months
William Edward Pugh
Birth: December 26, 1915 27 24Randolph, Missouri, United States
Death: September 4, 1958Missouri, United States

Mary Belle Johnson has 0 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (0)

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - William H Johnson - Household

Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri, United States

Johnson, William HheadWMMay184654M29MOIrelandVABanker0YesYesYesOFH
Johnson, Annie RwifeWFJul185148M2965MOKYVAYesYesYes
McCanse, KatedaughterWFFeb187525M0MOMOMOYesYesYes
McCanse, William Hson-in-lawWMJun187328M00MOMOMOStock Dealer0YesYesYes
Johnson, William LsonWMOct188020SMOMOMOAt School9YesYesYes
Johnson, Jennie GeorgedaughterWFJan188119SMOMOMOAt School9YesYesYes
Johnson, Halley RsonWMJan188812SMOMOMOAt School9YesYesYes
Johnson, Mary BdaughterWFJul18918SMOMOMOAt School9YesYesYes
Johnson, Mary JanemotherWFAug181386WDVAVAVAYesYesYes
Mitchell, Emma Rhired girlWFAug187029SMOMSARHired Help Servant00YesYesYes

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - Earl Wayne Pugh - Household

Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri, United States

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Pugh, Earl WheadORMW31MYesYesMOIAMOYesManagerFlour MillW
Pugh, Mary JwifeFW28MYesYesMOMOMOYesNone
Pugh, Robert JsonMW6SNoMOMOMONone
Pugh, William EsonMW4SMOMOMONone

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Earl Wayne Pugh - Household

Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri, United Stat

Pugh, Earl WheadO3500RNoMW42M25NoYesMOIAMOYesOwner ManagerFeed MillEYes
Pugh, Mary BwifeFW38M21NoYesMOTNTNYesTeacherPublic SchoolWYes
Pugh, Robert JsonMW16SYesYesMOMOMOYes
Pugh, William EsonMW14SYesYesMOMOMOYes

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Earl Wayne Pugh - Household

Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States

Pugh, Earl WheadR20NoMW52MNoMOGrain InspectorGrain Inspection AgencyGW521800
Pugh, MarywifeFW49MNoMO00

Census1950 United States - Census transcript - Earl Wayne Pugh - Household

Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States

NameRelationSexRaceAgeCondBPNatDoing last weekHours WorkedOccupationIndustryClass
Pugh, EarlheadMW60MarMOWK40Superintendent of ElevatorWholesale GrainP
Pugh, MarywifeFW58MarMOWK35SecretaryPublic SchoolG

Mary Pugh (nee Johnson) Obituary and Family Listing SPRINGFIELD, Mo. - Mrs. Mary B. Pugh, 75 years old, 1010 East Loren avenue, Springfield, died at 1:40 o'clock Friday after- noon in a Springfield nursing home. She was born July 22, 1891, in Mount Vernon, Mo., and had lived in Springfield for the past 32 years. Mrs. Pugh was a re- tired schoolteacher and served for eight years as principal of the Mount Vernon elementary school. Until retirement several years ago she was the assistant to the dean of boys and girls at Springfield Central high school for 17 years. Mrs. Pugh was a member of the Eastern Star in the Springfield chapter and a member of the Westminster Presbyterian church in Spring- field. Survivors include her husband, Earl W. Pugh; a son, Col. Rob- bert Pugh, with the US. Air Force, Washington, D.C.; four grandchildren and four great- grandchildren. Funeral services will be an- nounced by the Max L. Fossett funeral home of Mount Vernon. Joplin Globe Sat. June 10, 1967