The Shemwell Family

George Francis HolmesAge: 63 years18671931

George Francis Holmes
Given names
George Francis
Birth August 14, 1867
Birth of a daughter
Edna Dallas Holmes
October 24, 1905 (Age 38 years)
Census May 3, 1910 (Age 42 years)
Marriage of a childTravis Cowan PughEdna Dallas HolmesView this family
June 23, 1923 (Age 55 years)
Birth of a grandson
George Edward Pugh
December 30, 1923 (Age 56 years)
MarriageSarah Loduski HadlockView this family
May 26, 1931 (on the date of death)
Death May 26, 1931 (Age 63 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Misemer Cemetery
Family with Sarah Loduski Hadlock - View this family
George Francis Holmes
Birth: August 14, 1867Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri, United States
Death: May 26, 1931Lawrence, Missouri, United States
Sarah Loduski Hadlock
Birth: October 1, 1876Benton, Polk, Missouri, United States
Death: January 16, 1951Ozark, Lawrence, Missouri, United States
Marriage: May 26, 1931Lawrence, Missouri, United States
-26 years
Edna Dallas Holmes
Birth: October 24, 1905 38 29Missouri, United States
Death: December 14, 1984Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States

No family available

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - George Francis Holmes - Household

Ozark, Lawrence, Missouri, United States

Holmes, G FheadMW42M116MOUnited StatesILEnglishFarmerGeneral FarmingEMPYesYesOMFarm
Holmes, Sarah LwifeFW34M11687MOILMOEnglishNoneYesYes
Holmes, EtheldaughterFW16MOMOMOEnglishNoneYesYesYes
Holmes, ArliesonMW14MOMOMOEnglishFarm LaborerHouse FarmWYesYesYes
Holmes, MyrlsonMW11MOMOMOEnglishNoneYesYesYes
Holmes, AllensonMW9MOMOMOnoneYes
Holmes, FaydaughterFW6MOMOMOnoneYes
Holmes, DallasdaughterFW4MOMOMO
Holmes, HerbertsonMW2MOMOMO