The Shemwell Family

Ethel Octava DykeAge: 18951895

Ethel Octava Dyke
Given names
Ethel Octava
Birth April 21, 1895 27 22
Death 1895
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Gaylord Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 25, 1886Fremont, Iowa, United States
7 months
elder sister
Bertha Luella Dyke
Birth: April 5, 1887 19 14Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States
Death: April 16, 1931Tabor, Mills, Iowa, United States
2 years
elder brother
Earl Wesley Dyke
Birth: July 26, 1889 22 16Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States
Death: August 4, 1961Alameda, California, United States
3 years
elder brother
LeRoy Simon Dyke
Birth: March 15, 1892 24 19Tabor, Iowa, United States
Death: October 31, 1942Ellston, Ringgold, Iowa, United States
3 years
Ethel Octava Dyke
Birth: April 21, 1895 27 22Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States
Death: 1895Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States
5 years
younger brother
Walter Paul Dyke
Birth: January 12, 1900 32 27Thurman, Fremont, Iowa, United States
Death: December 2, 1927Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, United States

Ethel Octava Dyke has 0 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (0)

Ethel Octava Dyke Obituary and Family Listing Ethel Octava Dyke was born April 21, 1895 near Tabor, Iowa. Died in infancy in 1895. She was buried in the Dawsonburg (aka Gaylord) Cemetery, south of Tabor, in Fremont County, Iowa. "Forney's five family records of genealogy of Benners, Clappers, Ettlemans, Forneys, and Studys, with historical sketches / Charles William Forney", Page 192