The Shemwell Family

Walter Paul DykeAge: 27 years19001927

Walter Paul Dyke
Given names
Walter Paul
Birth January 12, 1900 32 27
Census June 12, 1900 (Age 5 months)
Death of a motherEstella Octava Woodrum
July 28, 1901 (Age 18 months)
Death of a paternal grandfatherSimon Dyke
July 1, 1903 (Age 3 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherMargaret Prudence “Amanda” Baxter
June 30, 1905 (Age 5 years)
Census 1905 (Age 4 years)
Census 1915 (Age 14 years)
Census January 10, 1920 (Age 19 years)
Death December 2, 1927 (Age 27 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Tabor Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 25, 1886Fremont, Iowa, United States
7 months
elder sister
Bertha Luella Dyke
Birth: April 5, 1887 19 14Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States
Death: April 16, 1931Tabor, Mills, Iowa, United States
2 years
elder brother
Earl Wesley Dyke
Birth: July 26, 1889 22 16Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States
Death: August 4, 1961Alameda, California, United States
3 years
elder brother
LeRoy Simon Dyke
Birth: March 15, 1892 24 19Tabor, Iowa, United States
Death: October 31, 1942Ellston, Ringgold, Iowa, United States
3 years
elder sister
Ethel Octava Dyke
Birth: April 21, 1895 27 22Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States
Death: 1895Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States
5 years
Walter Paul Dyke
Birth: January 12, 1900 32 27Thurman, Fremont, Iowa, United States
Death: December 2, 1927Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, United States

Walter Paul Dyke has 0 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (0)

CensusIowa State Census, 1905
CensusIowa State Census, 1915
Census1900 United States - Census transcript - William Burrell Dyke - Household

Green, Fremont, Iowa, United States

Dike, BurrellheadWMJun186633M13IANYINFarm Laborer0YesYesYesRH
Dike, EstellawifeWFSep187128M1354IAINMOYesYesYes
Dike, BerthadaughterWFApr188712SIAIAIAAt School7
Dike, EarlsonWMJul18909SIAIAIA
Dike, RaysonWMMar18928SIAIAIA
Dike, WaltersonWMJan19000 years 4 monthsSIAIAIA

CensusIowa State - Census transcript - Walter Paul Dyke - Household

Fremont, Iowa, United States

Dyke, Walter PheadMW5SIA

CensusIowa State - Census transcript - Walter Paul Dyke - Household

Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States

Dyke, WalterheadMW14SIASchool

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - Fred Clinton Bicknell - Household

Ross, Fremont, Iowa, United States

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Bicknell, Fred CheadRMW34MYesYesIAININYesCarpenterW
Bicknell, BerthawifeFW32MYesYesIAIAIAYesNone
Dyke, Mattin (s/b Walter P)brotherMW19SYesYesIAIAIAYesLaborer
Dyke, John (s/b William B)fatherMW55WdYesYesIANYIAYesHarness MakerW