The Shemwell Family

Fred Clinton BicknellAge: 69 years18851955

Fred Clinton Bicknell
Given names
Fred Clinton
Birth September 28, 1885
MarriageBertha Luella DykeView this family
October 3, 1906 (Age 21 years)
Census May 17, 1910 (Age 24 years)
Census 1915 (Age 29 years)
Census January 10, 1920 (Age 34 years)
Census April 7, 1930 (Age 44 years)
Death of a wifeBertha Luella Dyke
April 16, 1931 (Age 45 years)
Name: Bertha Luella Bicknell Sex: Female Age: 44 years Birth Year (Estimated): 1887 Father's Name: Brand Doyle Mother's Name: Stella Woodrum Spouse's Name: Fred Bicknell Event Type: Death Event Date: 15 April 1931 Event Place: Iowa Township, Iowa, Iowa, United States Event Place (Original): Tobor Certificate Number: 6539
Census April 26, 1940 (Age 54 years)
Census April 21, 1950 (Age 64 years)
Death May 9, 1955 (Age 69 years)
Fred C Bicknell Obituary and Family Listing
May 12, 1955 (3 days after death)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Tabor Cemetery
Family with Bertha Luella Dyke - View this family
Fred Clinton Bicknell
Birth: September 28, 1885Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States
Death: May 9, 1955Logan, Iowa, United States
Bertha Luella Dyke
Birth: April 5, 1887 19 14Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States
Death: April 16, 1931Tabor, Mills, Iowa, United States
Marriage: October 3, 1906Sidney, Fremont, Iowa, United States

No family available

CensusIowa State Census, 1915
Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Fred Clinton Bicknell - Household

Green, Fremont, Iowa, United States

Bicknell, Fred CheadMW24M13IAININEnglishLaborerWorking OutWNo0YesYesRH
Bicknell, Bertha LwifeFW23M1300IAIAIAEnglishNoneYesYes

CensusIowa State - Census transcript - Fred Clinton Bicknell - Household

Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States

Bicknell, Fred CheadMW28MIAImplement

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - Fred Clinton Bicknell - Household

Ross, Fremont, Iowa, United States

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Bicknell, Fred CheadRMW34MYesYesIAININYesCarpenterW
Bicknell, BerthawifeFW32MYesYesIAIAIAYesNone
Dyke, Mattin (s/b Walter P)brotherMW19SYesYesIAIAIAYesLaborer
Dyke, John (s/b William B)fatherMW55WdYesYesIANYIAYesHarness MakerW

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Fred Clinton Bicknell - Household

Ross, Fremont, Iowa, United States

Bicknell, FredheadRNoMW44M21NoYesIAINIAYesCarpenterHouseOYes
Bicknell, Bertha DwifeFW42M19NoYesIAIAIAYesNone

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Fred Clinton Bicknell - Household

Ross, Fremont, Iowa, United States

Bicknell, Fred CxheadR2NoMW54WdNoIACarpenterBuilding RetailPW36772

Census1950 United States - Census transcript - Fred Clinton Bicknell - Household

Thurman, Fremont, Iowa, United States

NameRelationSexRaceAgeCondBPNatDoing last weekHours WorkedOccupationIndustryClass
Bicknell, Fred CroomerMW64WdIAWK60Filling Station AttendantRetail Filling StationP

Fred C Bicknell Obituary and Family Listing Obit: Council Bluffs Iowa Nonpareil May 12, 1955 TABOR - Funeral services were Wednesday at Reeves Funeral Home for Fred Bicknell, 68, He died Monday at a rest home in Logan. The Rev. William Lee of Christian Church officiated and burial was in Tabor. A resident of Tabor community all his life, Bicknel ils (sic) survived by one brother Tom of Papillion, Neb.; and two sisters, Mrs. Cliff Burson of Thurman and Mrs. Sam Salton, who lived in California.