Robert Donald SkerrittAge: 87 years1909–1996
- Name
- Robert Donald Skerritt
- Given names
- Robert Donald
- Surname
- Skerritt
Birth | November 15, 1909 |
Census | April 15, 1950 (Age 40 years) |
Death | November 23, 1996 (Age 87 years) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Saint Paul's Episcopal Church Columbarium |
Family with Elizabeth Randolph Shemwell |
himself |
Robert Donald Skerritt Birth: November 15, 1909 — Scranton, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, United States Death: November 23, 1996 — Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States |
wife |
Elizabeth Randolph Shemwell Birth: April 12, 1918 53 44 — Benton, Marshall, Kentucky, United States Death: November 17, 2011 — Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States |
daughter |
Private |
son |
Private |
No family available
Census | 1950 United States - Census transcript - Robert Donald Skerritt - Household