The Shemwell Family

Betty J KeelingAge: 88 years19252013

Betty J Keeling
Given names
Betty J
Married name
Betty J Helms
Birth June 14, 1925 32 27
Historical Event
The Great Depression
October 1929 (Age 4 years)

Note: The Wall Street Crash sets off the Great Depression, the most severe worldwide economic depression in the 20th century -
Census April 17, 1930 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherBarney Ray Keeling
1934 (Age 8 years)
Death of a brotherBarney Ray Keeling
1935 (Age 9 years)
Census April 15, 1940 (Age 14 years)
Historical Event
World War II
between December 1941 and August 1945 (Age 16 years)

Note: The United States enters World War II after the attack at Pearl Harbor, a global war that involved the vast majority of the world's nations and including all of the great powers -
Death of a maternal grandmotherMary Elizabeth “Betty” Shemwell
July 1, 1949 (Age 24 years)
Historical Event
Korean War
between 1950 and 1953 (Age 24 years)
Note: The Korean War was a war between the Republic of Korea (South Korea), supported by the United Nations, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), at one time supported by the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union -
Historical Event
Vietnam War
between 1946 and 1975 (Age 20 years)
Note: The Vietnam War was a long, costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regime of North Vietnam and its southern allies, known as the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. The divisive war, increasingly unpopular at home, ended with the withdrawal of U.S. forces in 1973 and the unification of Vietnam under Communist control two years later. More than 3 million people, including 58,000 Americans, were killed in the conflict. -
Death of a fatherBarney Keeling
June 14, 1976 (Age 51 years)
Death of a brotherNeal Sherman Keeling
November 1981 (Age 56 years)
Death of a motherAnnie E “Anna” Murphy
February 22, 1984 (Age 58 years)
Death of a brotherJohn Eugene Keeling
September 6, 1992 (Age 67 years)
Death of a brotherLeonard Charles “Red” Keeling
November 11, 1997 (Age 72 years)
Death of a husbandWilliam R “Billy Bob” Helms
July 27, 2010 (Age 85 years)
Death September 9, 2013 (Age 88 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Herrin City Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 14, 1916Marion, Williamson, Illinois, United States
10 months
elder brother
Leonard Charles “Red” Keeling
Birth: September 8, 1917 25 19Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Death: November 11, 1997Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
3 years
elder brother
Neal Sherman Keeling
Birth: November 20, 1920 28 22Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Death: November 1981Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
3 years
elder brother
John Eugene Keeling
Birth: June 3, 1923 30 25Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Death: September 6, 1992Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
2 years
Betty J Keeling
Birth: June 14, 1925 32 27Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Death: September 9, 2013Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
10 years
younger brother
Barney Ray Keeling
Birth: 1934 41 35Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Death: 1935Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Family with William R “Billy Bob” Helms - View this family
William R “Billy Bob” Helms
Birth: December 13, 1922Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Death: July 27, 2010Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Betty J Keeling
Birth: June 14, 1925 32 27Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Death: September 9, 2013Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States

Betty J Keeling has 6 first cousins recorded

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Barney Keeling - Household

231 Nelson and Rockport road Central City, Muhlenberg, Kentucky

Keeling, BarnieheadMW36M24KYKYKYMinerCoal Mine
Keeling, AnniewifeFW32M19KYTNKY
Keeling, L CsonMW12SILKYKY
Keeling, NealsonMW9SILKYKY
Keeling, EugenesonMW6SILKYKY
Keeling, Bettie JdaughterFW4SILKYKY

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Barney Keeling - Household

14th St. S. Herrin, Williamson, Illinois

Keeling, BarneyheadMW47MKYSame PlaceLaborerW.P.A. Project
Keeling, AnnawifeFW42MKYSame Place
Keeling, EugenesonMW16SILSame House
Keeling, BettydaughterFW14SILSame House
Keeling, NancymotherFW76WdKYSame House