The Shemwell Family

John W ParhamAge: 79 years18521931

John W Parham
Given names
John W
Birth about 1852 31 36
Birth of a brotherJesse Franklin Parham
March 1, 1855 (Age 3 years)
Census August 1, 1860 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a brotherThomas Sherman “Tom” Parham
February 3, 1863 (Age 11 years)
Death of a fatherJohnson Parham Jr
January 20, 1865 (Age 13 years)
Census July 13, 1870 (Age 18 years)
Census June 21, 1880 (Age 28 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherDrucilla Selby
June 7, 1884 (Age 32 years)
Death of a sisterMartha Caroline Parham
January 9, 1885 (Age 33 years)
Death of a sisterSarah Jane Parham
October 29, 1893 (Age 41 years)
Death of a motherElizabeth Betsy Brown
July 28, 1913 (Age 61 years)
Note: All living children are noted -b
Death of a brotherWilliam Johnson Parham
June 7, 1919 (Age 67 years)
Death of a brotherJesse Franklin Parham
May 31, 1920 (Age 68 years)
Death of a brotherJames Lafayette Parham
May 30, 1929 (Age 77 years)
Death June 7, 1931 (Age 79 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: estimated 1841
17 months
elder sister
14 months
elder brother
James Lafayette Parham
Birth: July 10, 1843 22 28Bledsoe, Tennessee, United States
Death: May 30, 1929Osage, Missouri, United States
20 months
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
16 months
elder sister
4 years
John W Parham
Birth: about 1852 31 36Tennessee, United States
Death: June 7, 1931Seattle, King, Washington, United States
3 years
younger brother
8 years
younger brother

John W Parham has 56 first cousins recorded

Father's family (56)

Parents William J Rector + Elizabeth Parham
2James A Rector18411860
3Martha Ann Rector18431915
4Mary C Rector18461925
5Isaac E Rector18481900
Parents Willaim Taylor Orme + Martha Ann “Patsy” Parham
2James Isaac Orme18511875
3Mary Tennesse Orme18531934
5Thomas Allen Orme18581948
Parents William “Bill” Parham + Sarah Brown
1Johnson M Parham18511936
2Martha Jane Parham18521935
6Sarah Jane Parham18601940
7Lucy A Parham18621911
10Alice Parham18681868
11Lafayette Parham18681868
12James Emmett Parham18691944
Parents Isaac Parham + Stacy Emma Taylor
3Stacy L Parham18591917
Parents James Washington Parham + Martha Elizabeth Stephens
3James Edwin Parham18611894
Parents Allen Parham + Mary Elizabeth Jones
1Mary Haret Parham18561940
Parents Allen Parham + Nancy Ashley
2William A Parham18661935
3Allen Parham Jr.18721943
Parents William Andrew Dial + Mary Parham
1James A Dial18531931
3Annie Louisa Dial18581914
7Alice Dial18661898
8Ida Dial18681897
9Ella Dial18701969
11Willie Lee Dial18751965
12Walter Malcomb Dial18781954

Mother's family (0)

Census1860 United States - Census transcript - Elizabeth Betsy Brown - Household

Cumberland, Tennessee

Elizabeth Parhamhead45FWHouse KeeperTN
Sarah J Parhamdaughter17FWTN
James L Parhamson15MWFarmingTN
William J Parhamson13MWTN
Carrie E Parhamdaughter11FWTN
John W Parhamson9MWTN
Jesse F Parhamson5MWTN

Census1870 United States - Census transcript - Elizabeth Betsy Brown - Household

Cumberland, Tennessee

Parham, Elizabethhead55FWFarmerTN
Parham, Franklin Json15MWHelps on the FarmTN
Parham, Thomas Tson7MWAt HomeTN
Parham, John Wson18MWHelps on the FarmTN
Parham, William Json23MWHelps on the FarmTNJan
Parham, Mary Edaughter in law22FWHelps in the HouseTNJan

Census1880 United States - Census transcript - Elizabeth Betsy Brown - Household

Cumberland, Tennessee

Parham, ElizabethWF64headWdKeeping HouseTNVANC
Parham, JohnWM27sonSWorks on FarmTNTNTN
Parham, Jesse FWM25sonSWorks on FarmTNTNTN
Parham, ThomasWM17sonSWorks on FarmTNTNTN

next door to other Parhams