Annie Lou ShemwellAge: 9 years1918–1928
- Name
- Annie Lou Shemwell
- Given names
- Annie Lou
- Surname
- Shemwell
Birth | October 10, 1918 34 31 |
Census | January 1, 1920 (Age 14 months) |
Birth of a sister | Claudine Shemwell November 8, 1920 (Age 2 years) |
Death | February 8, 1928 (Age 9 years) |
Burial | February 8, 1928 (on the date of death) Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Shemwell Cemetery |
Family with parents |
father |
Henry Claude Shemwell Birth: May 7, 1884 26 22 — Marshall, Kentucky, United States Death: February 21, 1967 — Benton, Marshall, Kentucky, United States |
mother |
Alva Lou Wood Birth: April 9, 1887 — Marshall, Kentucky, United States Death: September 27, 1966 — Benton, Marshall, Kentucky, United States |
Marriage: February 16, 1910 — Benton, Marshall, Kentucky, United States |
2 years elder brother |
William Wood Shemwell Birth: May 6, 1912 27 25 — Marshall, Kentucky, United States Death: January 12, 1988 — Kentucky, United States |
6 years herself |
Annie Lou Shemwell Birth: October 10, 1918 34 31 — Pottsville, Graves, Kentucky, United States Death: February 8, 1928 — Kentucky, United States |
2 years younger sister |
Claudine Shemwell Birth: November 8, 1920 36 33 — Graves, Kentucky, United States Death: October 1, 2003 — Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, United States |
11 years younger sister |
Laura Jean Shemwell Birth: April 28, 1931 46 44 — Marshall, Kentucky, United States Death: January 10, 2018 — Jonesboro, Craighead, Arkansas, United States |
Annie Lou Shemwell has 15 first cousins recorded
Father's family (15)
Parents Lovelace Roscoe Shemwell + Lallah Reeves
Parents Carl McCoy Shemwell + Maude Robert Reed
Parents Street Forrest Hall + Ruby Shemwell
Parents Rex Shemwell + Mattie Lura Prior
Parents Clois Holmes + Jesse Shemwell
Mother's family (0)
Census | 1920 United States - Census transcript - Henry Claude Shemwell - Household
Folsomdale, Graves Ky.