The Shemwell Family

Daniel Bedford CrowellAge: 68 years18661935

Daniel Bedford Crowell
Given names
Daniel Bedford
Birth April 12, 1866
MarriageMargaret Laura “Maggie” ShemwellView this family
February 1, 1894 (Age 27 years)
Address: Mrs. Sarah Shemwell's Home,
Death of a wifeMargaret Laura “Maggie” Shemwell
May 7, 1923 (Age 57 years)
Cause: Measles
Death January 28, 1935 (Age 68 years)
Cause of death: flu
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Feezor Cemetery
Family with Margaret Laura “Maggie” Shemwell - View this family
Daniel Bedford Crowell
Birth: April 12, 1866Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: January 28, 1935Elva, Marshall, Kentucky, United States
Margaret Laura “Maggie” Shemwell
Birth: August 17, 1871 46 33Kentucky, United States
Death: May 7, 1923Elva, Marshall, Kentucky, United States
Marriage: February 1, 1894Marshall, Kentucky, United States

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