Luda Alberta SmithAge: 97 years1891–1989
- Name
- Luda Alberta Smith
- Given names
- Luda Alberta
- Surname
- Smith
- Married name
- Luda Alberta Parham
Birth | November 12, 1891 |
Marriage | Thomas Floyd Parham — View this family May 26, 1918 (Age 26 years) |
Death of a husband | Thomas Floyd Parham July 19, 1967 (Age 75 years) |
Death | June 15, 1989 (Age 97 years) |
Family with Thomas Floyd Parham |
husband |
Thomas Floyd Parham Birth: October 6, 1884 36 35 — Roane, Tennessee, United States Death: July 19, 1967 — San Jose, Santa Clara, California, United States |
herself |
Luda Alberta Smith Birth: November 12, 1891 — Roane, Tennessee, United States Death: June 15, 1989 — Santa Clara, California, United States |
Marriage: May 26, 1918 — Roane, Tennessee, United States |