The Shemwell Family

Martha Rose FinkAge: 58 years18791937

Martha Rose Fink
Given names
Martha Rose
Married name
Martha Rose Arey
Birth August 26, 1879
MarriageErnest Cass AreyView this family
November 27, 1905 (Age 26 years)

Birth of a daughter
Nancy Lorraine Arey
July 11, 1906 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a daughter
Margaret Alma Arey
May 30, 1908 (Age 28 years)
Census April 15, 1910 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
Dr. Donald Lurton Arey
October 8, 1910 (Age 31 years)
Marriage of a childReginald Gray ClarkeNancy Lorraine AreyView this family
November 6, 1923 (Age 44 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Nancy C Clarke
August 30, 1929 (Age 50 years)
Census April 10, 1930 (Age 50 years)
Death of a husbandErnest Cass Arey
June 20, 1934 (Age 54 years)
Death October 16, 1937 (Age 58 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Highland Burial Park
Family with Ernest Cass Arey - View this family
Ernest Cass Arey
Birth: September 6, 1878 22 20Rowan, North Carolina, United States
Death: June 20, 1934Danville, Pittsylvania, Virginia, United States
Martha Rose Fink
Birth: August 26, 1879Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolina, United States
Death: October 16, 1937Danville, Pittsylvania, Virginia, United States
Marriage: November 27, 1905
7 months
23 months
Margaret Alma Arey
Birth: May 30, 1908 29 28Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolina, United States
Death: January 19, 1999Danville, Virginia, United States
2 years
Dr. Donald Lurton Arey
Birth: October 8, 1910 32 31Maryland, United States
Death: April 14, 2002Danville, Virginia, United States

No family available

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Ernest Cass Arey - Household

3737 Perk Height Ave Baltimore, Maryland

Arey, Ernest CheadMW32M14NCNCNCWholesale liquor
Arey, Martha RwifeFW32M1422NCNCNC
Arey, Nannie LdaughterFW3NCNCNC
Arey, Margaret AdaughterFW2NCNCNC
Arey, Kerr Cyounger brotherMW19SNCNCNCWholesale liquor
Sanders, Hattie EservantFB17SNCNCVAservant

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Ernest Cass Arey - Household

144 BHroad Street Danville, Virginia

Arey, Ernest CheadMW51M26NCNCNCReal EstateSelling & Building
Arey, Rose MwifeFW50M28NCNCNC
Arey, Donald LsonMW19SNCNCNC