The Shemwell Family

Alva Lou WoodAge: 79 years18871966

Alva Lou Wood
Given names
Alva Lou
Married name
Alva Lou Shemwell
Birth April 9, 1887
MarriageHenry Claude ShemwellView this family
February 16, 1910 (Age 22 years)
Census April 30, 1910 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a son
William Wood Shemwell
May 6, 1912 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
Annie Lou Shemwell
October 10, 1918 (Age 31 years)
Census January 1, 1920 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a daughter
Claudine Shemwell
November 8, 1920 (Age 33 years)
Death of a daughterAnnie Lou Shemwell
February 8, 1928 (Age 40 years)
Burial of a daughterAnnie Lou Shemwell
February 8, 1928 (Age 40 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Shemwell Cemetery
Census April 1, 1930 (Age 42 years)
Birth of a daughter
Laura Jean Shemwell
April 28, 1931 (Age 44 years)
Census May 10, 1940 (Age 53 years)
Marriage of a childGeorge Theodore “Cap” PowersClaudine ShemwellView this family
about 1945 (Age 57 years)

Birth of a grandson
Patrick Shemwell Powers
October 26, 1946 (Age 59 years)
Associate: Michael Wood “Mike” Powers
Birth of a grandson
Michael Wood “Mike” Powers
October 26, 1946 (Age 59 years)
Associate: Patrick Shemwell Powers
Census April 11, 1950 (Age 63 years)
Death September 27, 1966 (Age 79 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Shemwell Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Henry Claude Shemwell - View this family
Marriage: February 16, 1910Benton, Marshall, Kentucky, United States
2 years
William Wood Shemwell
Birth: May 6, 1912 27 25Marshall, Kentucky, United States
Death: January 12, 1988Kentucky, United States
6 years
Annie Lou Shemwell
Birth: October 10, 1918 34 31Pottsville, Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: February 8, 1928Kentucky, United States
2 years
Claudine Shemwell
Birth: November 8, 1920 36 33Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: October 1, 2003Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, United States
11 years
Laura Jean Shemwell
Birth: April 28, 1931 46 44Marshall, Kentucky, United States
Death: January 10, 2018Jonesboro, Craighead, Arkansas, United States

Alva Lou Wood has 0 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (0)

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Henry Claude Shemwell - Household

Marshall, Kentucky, United States

Shemwell, ClaudeheadMW25M3 monthsKYKYKYteachercommon school
Shemwell, Alva LwifeFW23M3 monthsKYNCKYteachercommon school

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - Henry Claude Shemwell - Household

Folsomdale, Graves Ky.

Henry C ShemwellheadMW35MKYKYKYTeacherCommon School
Alva L ShemwellwifeFW32MKYNCKY
William W ShemwellsonMW7SKYKYKY
Annie Lou ShemwelldaughterFW1SKYKYKY

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Henry Claude Shemwell - Household

Graves Ky.

Claude ShemwellheadMW45M25KYKYKYFarm LaborerFarm
Alva ShemwellwifeFW42M22KYNCKY
William W ShemwellsonMW17S-KYKYKY
Claudine ShemwelldaughterFW9S-KYKYKY

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Henry Claude Shemwell - Household

US Hwy 45 Graves, Kentucky

Shemwell, H CheadMW56MKYsame houseFarmer OperatorFarm
Shemwell, Alva LXwifeFW53MKYsame house
Shemwell, ClaudinedaughterFW19SKYsame house
Shemwell, Laura JdaughterFW9SKYsame house

Next door to son, William Wood

Census1950 United States - Census transcript - Henry Claude Shemwell - Household

Highway 45 Graves, Kentucky

NameRelationSexRaceAgeCondBPNatDoing last weekHours WorkedOccupationIndustryClass
Shemwell, ClaudheadMW65MarKYTeacherPrincipal of High School
Shemwell, AlvawifeFW63MarKY
Shemwell, LauradaughterFW18NevKYAttending College