Barbara Alice DyeAge: 74 years1938–2013
- Name
- Barbara Alice Dye
- Given names
- Barbara Alice
- Surname
- Dye
- Married name
- Barbara Alice McNutt
Birth | July 28, 1938 |
Death of a husband | Rollie Adkerson McNutt Jr. April 8, 2005 (Age 66 years) |
Death | March 7, 2013 (Age 74 years) |
Cremation | unknown |
Family with parents |
father |
Private |
mother |
Private |
herself |
Barbara Alice Dye Birth: July 28, 1938 — Roaring Springs, Motley, Texas, United States Death: March 7, 2013 — Texas, United States |
Family with Rollie Adkerson McNutt Jr. |
husband |
Rollie Adkerson McNutt Jr. Birth: August 16, 1930 45 37 — Raton, Colfax, New Mexico, United States Death: April 8, 2005 — Lubbock, Texas, United States |
herself |
Barbara Alice Dye Birth: July 28, 1938 — Roaring Springs, Motley, Texas, United States Death: March 7, 2013 — Texas, United States |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
son |
Private |
son |
Private |