The Shemwell Family

Nelson FieldsAge: 70 years17681839

Nelson Fields
Given names
Birth February 26, 1768 48
Death of a fatherNathaniel Fields
April 1, 1777 (Age 9 years)
MarriageMary “Polly” DoddView this family
December 9, 1790 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth “Betsy” Fields
October 8, 1791 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a son
Ambrose Fields
October 8, 1792 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
William Fields
April 1, 1794 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a son
Allen Dodd Fields
November 26, 1796 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a son
Nelson Fields
July 3, 1798 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Matilda Fields
June 22, 1803 (Age 35 years)

Birth of a son
Absolom Fields
June 29, 1803 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a daughter
Patsy Fields
January 20, 1805 (Age 36 years)

Birth of a daughter
Polly Fields
May 3, 1807 (Age 39 years)

Birth of a daughter
Martha Fields
September 3, 1809 (Age 41 years)

Marriage of a childAmbrose FieldsAnn NowerView this family
December 18, 1818 (Age 50 years)

Marriage of a childWilliam FieldsNancy JohnsonView this family
April 21, 1819 (Age 51 years)

Marriage of a childAllen Dodd FieldsDelilah BeasleyView this family
February 22, 1820 (Age 51 years)
Marriage of a childNelson FieldsMary RankinView this family
1820 (Age 51 years)
Birth of a grandson
Robert Nelson Pleasant Fields
May 10, 1822 (Age 54 years)
Birth of a grandson
James Absolum Fields
May 1, 1824 (Age 56 years)
Birth of a grandson
Allen J Fields
March 2, 1826 (Age 58 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Pheribay D Fields
August 5, 1828 (Age 60 years)
Birth of a grandson
Thomas J Fields
March 10, 1832 (Age 64 years)
Death of a wifeMary “Polly” Dodd
May 29, 1836 (Age 68 years)
Death February 11, 1839 (Age 70 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Mary “Polly” Dodd - View this family
Marriage: December 9, 1790Rockingham, North Carolina, United States
10 months
Elizabeth “Betsy” Fields
Birth: October 8, 1791 23 22Rockingham, North Carolina, United States
Death: October 25, 1859Rutherford, Tennessee, United States
1 year
Ambrose Fields
Birth: October 8, 1792 24 23Rockingham, North Carolina, United States
Death: March 17, 1872Oregon City, Clackamas, Oregon, United States
18 months
William Fields
Birth: April 1, 1794 26 24Rockingham, North Carolina, United States
Death: about 1858Weakley, Tennessee, United States
3 years
19 months
Nelson Fields
Birth: July 3, 1798 30 28Rockingham, North Carolina, United States
Death: about 1868Fulton, Kentucky, United States
5 years
Absolom Fields
Birth: June 29, 1803 35 33Rockingham, North Carolina, United States
Death: about 1848Pemiscot, Missouri, United States
19 months
2 years
2 years

Nelson Fields has 0 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (0)