Ines InestiAge: 85 years1908–1993
- Name
- Ines Inesti
- Given names
- Ines
- Surname
- Inesti
- Married name
- Ines Oblini
Birth | March 15, 1908 |
Death of a husband | Giuseppe Oblini February 20, 1960 (Age 51 years) |
Death | October 21, 1993 (Age 85 years) |
Family with Giuseppe Oblini |
husband |
Giuseppe Oblini Birth: March 17, 1903 — Cologna Veneta, Veneto, Italy Death: February 20, 1960 — Cologna Veneta, Veneto, Italy |
herself |
Ines Inesti Birth: March 15, 1908 — Italy Death: October 21, 1993 — Verona, Veneto, Italy |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
No family available
Note | Ines (Inesti) Oblini was adopted, and her name was given to her by the
adopt ion agency. [per Nerea N. (Oblini) Stanley]
Ines (Inesti) Oblini was adopted, and her name was given to her by the
adoption agency. [per Nerea N. (Oblini) Stanley] |